Just 48 Hours After Consuming Plant Root, Patient’s Cancer Cells Were Being Destroyed

Years of research. Billions of Dollars spent. But has the cure for cancer quite possibly have been found?

So, what is the all important ingredient for the cure? Well some are saying that Dandelions might be the key.

Dandelions are no strangers to being used in the health care area – ever since the ancient times have they been consumed, spread and wrangled with in the name of recovery.
Now it’s the root that is of interest to scientists. The boffins are saying that the strong roots can potentially build up your immune system and be able to fight off any prostate or lung cancer in the body – so much for chemotheraphy, huh. Myelomonocytic Leukemia.

But the proof is in the pudding.

Cancer patient John Di Carlo was sent home to stay out his last days surrounded by family and friends – but was also told to try the Dandelion Root tea – you know, may as well at this point. Miraculously for John, the cancer goes into submission 4 months later and the only thing Doctors could put it down to was indeed the tea.

It is said that the root immediately goes to work on cancer cells, trying to break them down and replace them with new, proper cells. Not only that, it also works as an anti-cancer substance that helps the body not pickup prostate, lung, breast, liver cancer etc.
Now, I wouldn’t say the tea is going to be the best thing you’ve ever drank – but it’s damn better than any horrific chemotheraphy side effect. 
To those of you reading this that don’t have cancer – don’t shy away! Get drinking the stuff because it also helps fend off things such as diabetes and boosts your immune system greatly.