One common affliction people suffer from is toenail fungus or onychomycosis. This condition is accompanied by swelling of the toe, thickening, pain, crumbling of the nail and inflammation.
Toenail Fungus usually occurs when…
- There is an imbalance to the skin pH level.
- You wear synthetic socks often.
- You are exposed to moisture often.
- You have poor foot hygiene.
- There is sweat buildup in your shoes.
- Your immune system is compromised.
- You have poor blood circulation.
You can treat toenail fungus with:
- Oral anti-fungal prescription
- Topical treatments
- Surgical treatment (in extreme cases)
Side Effects Of The Topical Medicine
- Hives
- Rashes
- Dizziness
- Blisters
- Swelling of face or mouth
- Breathing difficulty
- Nausea
- Weight gain
- Fatigue
- Fever
- Heart problems
- Diarrhea
You can treat your toenails with herbal and traditional-medical treatment.
Herbal medicine involves the use of fruit juices and natural oils.
Here is what you require;
- Ethyl alcohol – 90% constituent
- Hydrogen peroxide (oxygenated water)
- White vinegar
Preparation And Application
- Get a glass container and mix all the ingredients in equal quantities in it.
- Use a cotton ball to apply the mixture to your infected toenail twice daily.
- Allow the mixture to stay on the toenail for a period of 15 minutes.
- Wash it off with warm water and pat dry.