These 2 Ingredients Remove POUNDS Of Toxins From Your Intestines!

It has become much easier!

We need to take care of our diet and the foods we consume because they affect every part of our body, but the digestive system is affected the most.

The toxins which come with the consumed food accumulate in the system after a while and they can cause various health issues including constipation, diarrhea, bowel movements, weak immune system, and low energy levels.

You can solve these health issues with a simple colon detoxification. It will improve your overall health, and will help lose weight due to the fact that detoxification is the first step in the losing weight process. It is recommended to do this cleaning before you start any weight loss program.

These are the 2 ingredients for colon detoxification which will improve your overall health:


Kefir is a beverage which includes milk and specific grains. It is a excellent source of protein and is full of minerals, amino acids, and B vitamins, which makes it extremely beneficial for the gut.

It will clean the intestines, eliminate pathogens like E. Coli and return the balance of the intestinal flora thanks to the probiotic structures it contains as a few strains of useful bacteria and healthy yeasts.

It is also great for strengthening the immune system and optimizing the digestive system.


It is a great ingredient which can help you with the cleansing. In order to increase their size these seeds need to be soaked in water. They will remove the waste toxins because they have alpha-linoleic acid which is a type of omega-3 fatty acids.

It is very important to grind these seeds with coffee grinder because it is difficult for our digestive system to digest them whole.

Combination of kefir and flaxseed

This combination is very powerful when it comes to cleansing. It is very important to use it in smaller quantities at first and then, gradually increase the intake because fermented food is often problematic for digestion for people who don’t use it so often. Take this remedy 2-3 times weekly, for 15 days. The optimal capacity of the immune system will be restored after this period.

Preparation and usage:

Add one tablespoon of grounded flax seed in 1/3 or ¼ glass of kefir. It is very important to consume 1 glass of this mixture in the morning, on an empty stomach, and another glass before going to bed. This remedy requires consuming 8 or more glasses of water a day. This procedure need to be performed for 1 week then take a break for 2-3 days. After the break, you can use the natural cleanser again and do the procedure as many times as you want.
