American Doctor Reveals The Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic: It Kills Any Infection in The Body – Recipe

This doctor and his discoveries - are real findings!

The recipe of the most effective natural antibiotic, that successfully treats almost all conditions, has been revealed by the popular American doctor Richard Schulze.

This Super- tonic, as all tinctures, is an extremely effective natural medicine. Namely, the best parts and properties of herbs and plants are preserved in tinctures. Yet, they can be very strong, so you should always use them with caution.

The recipe of this amazing tonic includes organic ingredients only, in order to obtain best results. This is how to prepare this remarkable natural medicine:


  • Unrefined apple vinegar
  • fresh habanero peppers (or the hottest peppers you can find)
  • red onion
  • Garlic
  • Horseradish
  • ginger root

Method of preparation:

You should peel and chop all ingredients finely. Then, place them in a big glass jar and pourapple cider vinegar in order to cover them, up to 3 fingers above the other ingredients. Then, close the jar and shake it.

Store it in a dark place for at least 2-6 weeks. The longer you keep it, the stronger it will be. You should also shake it from time to time.

Afterwards, it is best to strain the tincture, by using some wipes or gauze, or a stainless steel strainer. Pour the contents of the jar into the strainer and press the mixture in order to push the remaining juices to come out.

Next, pour the tonic into smaller jars or a tinted bottle, in order to prevent damage due to light. Then, keep the jars in a cool and dark place. After the straining, you can add the remaining ingredients to your meals or soups, or you can freeze them.


You can take the tonic as a treatment of numerous conditions, to boost your immune system or to enhance digestion, or you can use it n a daily basis.

Regardless of that, you should always consume it by sipping, and you can also add honey to enrich its taste. Yet, remember to drinks lots of water.  It is sufficient to drink a cup of this brilliant natural remedy, but if you use it to treat a specific health issue, you can take up to 5-6 doses during the day.

This amazing natural tonic contains absolutely no toxins, and provides numerous health benefits, such as:

  • This powerful tonic boosts the immune system
  • It is rich in acetic acid which has potent antimicrobial properties, helps in the case of insulin sensitivity and reduces the cholesterol levels
  • Regulates the body acidity
  • It contains malic acid, which has strong antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties, and supports the energy production which enhances the mental and muscular functioning
  • The Super-tonic helps the digestive tract- The organic and unfiltered vinegar includes a symbiotic colony of fungi and friendly bacteria which have brilliant probiotic properties.
