Try this!

Cardiovascular illnesses in fact cause clogging in the arteries. It became the number one killer illness in the world and statistics show that, in average, about 2.000 Americans die from it!

Since it is the most important system in the body, the cardiovascular system should always be kept healthy and strong. The clogging in the arteries usually progresses and becomes very risky. It can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle, diet or genetics. This problem cannot be treated, but here we present the 8 tasty foods which will help you at least prevent and repair the damage.

It`s known to be the super-food among nutritionists. Although it doesn’t taste very good, the garlic has positive effects on your cardiovascular health. It also helps in treating viruses and infections and even cancer!

Scientists have confirmed that with consumption of 1-4 garlic cloves a day (which contain 4.000 mcg of allicin) you will improve the systolic blood pressure on cholesterol, prevent formation of the blood cloths and decrease both of the diastolics. Pasta made of garlic and pumpkin seed or the creamy zinger garlic spread will provide you with the needed amount of cloves a day.

Turmeric surcumin contains primary polyphenol which has turned out to be very effective in the process of reducing fatty deposits in the arteries by 26%! We hope that after this you will start using this delicious Indian spice with bright color in your food more often.


Recent researches revealed that this tasty fruit can clean the opening of the arteries and at the same time lower blood pressure and stimulate the production of nitric oxide in the blood.

This wonderful cashew citrus cake will help you enrich your diet with more pomegranates!

Besides the great features that cinnamon has, it is the spice which is responsible for the negative attention of the spice. It just needs to be consumed properly. In order to lower the level of cholesterol in blood, you should consume a tablespoon of cinnamon a day which will provide a healthy amount of antioxidants. You can try the vegan cinnamon rolls which are very healthy and yummy.

Chia Seeds

Ancient nations used the chia seeds very often as an excellent source of energy and hydration. It contains fiber acid and alpha-linoleic which decrease triglycerides, normalize blood pressure and cholesterol in blood. Besides being very effective for the heart, the seeds are also very tasty and nice.


The substance that makes green tomatoes become red is an antioxidant and is called lycopene. It is recommended to consume this antioxidant in big amounts in order to lower the oxidation of bad cholesterol which can be the reason of atherosclerosis. There is something more! A warmed eggplant and tomato stew will provide you with the needed amount of lycopene a day. Tomatoes are essential for strong bones.

Apples are another ingredient which lowers the level of cholesterol in blood and also delay the process of clogging in the arteries. Researchers from Ohio State University proved that only with one apple a day you will lower the artery clogging by 40%.

We can conclude that the statement “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” turned out to be true! A piece of the delicious grilled apple pie with vanilla coconut cream will be a great treat for you and for your organism to satisfy the needed dose of pectin.


Anti-oxidizing vitamins, which lower the oxidization of cholesterol and cause plaque in the arteries, can be mostly found in the leafy greens. These greens are also rich in fiber, folate and potassium and have positive effects on the treatment of high blood pressure.

Your daily needs of homocysteine can be satisfied with only one meal of leafy greens rich in folate a day. Consumption of spinach or chard will reduce the risk of cardiovascular issues. Green smoothies are amazingly simple and nice way to provide your body with more greens. Try this tasty green smoothie or add and remove ingredients until you discover the best combination for you!
