Say Goodbye To Cholesterol, Triglycerides And Blood Sugar

Say Goodbye To Cholesterol, Triglycerides And Blood Sugar

One of our readers has sent us this real life story:

“Few months ago, my professor showed me a blood test which shocked me, the parameters of the cholesterol, urea, triglycerides and blood sugar were incredible high, exceeding the normal levels.

Normally, this patient should be dead. I asked who he was. It was him, the professor. My next question was “How? What did you do?”
Then he showed me another sheet, with different analysis, and told me to compare the parameters and the dates. The second blood test was perfect, with normal parameters, and the difference between the dates of both tests was only one month. It was amazing.
His doctor was responsible for this quick and incredible success. He suggested a treatment which he tried himself, showing impressive results, so he practices it at least once every year.
The secret was: buy raw pumpkin at the bazaar once a week for 4 weeks; peel 100-120 grams and blend them with some water, to get homogenous mixture; drink this smoothie every day, at least 20 minutes before breakfast. Continue the treatment for a whole month, or when needed.
The treatment has no side effects or contraindications because it contains only vegetable and water, no sugar. Certain active compounds in the pumpkin can eliminate the LDL cholesterol, through urine, cleansing the arteries, and leaving you refreshed, full of energy and healthy.”
