I wished I had known it before!

Lemons are ones of the healthiest fruits on the planet, as they are just loaded with essential nutrients which support tour general health. However, you have surely heard about the benefits of its juice a well, haven’t you?

Lemons are abundant in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A,C, B1, B6, potassium, bioflavonoids, folic acid, magnesium, pectin, phosphorus, calcium.

This makes them extremely effective in the fight gainst various illnesses, such as diabetes. Their regular consumption strengthens immunity and has a beneficial effect on the digestion, intestines, and the liver.

The consumption of some lemon juice in a glass of water in the morning relieves the morning sickness during pregnancy, and its smell treats nausea and helps stomach problems

Additionally, the lemon peel has potent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which soothe nerve pain and the blood vessels, while the lemon leaves treat fever symptoms.

However, lemons are also very efficient tin the case of joint pain, they can be used in two ways:

  • Peel two lemons and put them in  a glass jar. Pour some olive oil over them, close the jar, and leave it for 2 weeks. Afterward, the oil is ready for use. Soak a gauze in the oil, place it on the painful areas, secure with a bandage, and leave it to act during the night.
  • You should grate a lemon peel, but only its yellow part, and apply it on the affected areas. Secure with a bandage, and leave it thus to act fro a few hours.

Try these two natural remedies for joint pain and use the amazing health benefits of lemons once more!
