Pineapple Water Will Detoxify Your Body, Reduce Joint Pain And Help You Lose Weight!

Start drinking the water from the following day.

The recipe we’re going to present to you today revolves around pineapple-infused water that can potentially reduce the pain and swelling in your joints as well as strengthen your immune system.

The remedy should be consumed on daily basis every morning on an empty stomach and it will provide you with enough energy for the whole day.

Pineapple is a tropical fruit packed with tons of essential nutrients which work to improve our overall health. They’re rich in vitamin C and bromelain, two highly important nutrients which play a crucial role in key body processes.

Pineapple’s rich nutritional content and the healing properties of the plant is why you should start drinking pineapple water starting from tomorrow.

Some of the health benefits from drinking pineapple water are:

  1. Fights inflammation

Bromelain has potent anti-inflammatory properties which reduce the inflammation in the body and detoxify the organs and tissues. Drinking this water every morning will accelerate healing of wounds and arthritis as well.

  1. Helps you lose weight

Pineapple is a strong diuretic which can eliminate water from your body and prevent water retention as well as boost your metabolism.

  1. Eliminates intestinal parasites

According to a large number of studies, drinking pineapple juice 3 days in a row can successfully eliminate intestinal worms and parasites.

  1. Improves your thyroid function

Pineapple water contains iodine and bromelain which boost your thyroid function and prevent a number of health problems.

  1. Balances your electrolyte levels

Thanks to the presence of potassium, this water can eliminate fatigue and balance out your electrolytes level.

  1. Eliminates toxins and heavy metals from your body

Pineapple water is packed with special enzymes and antioxidants which clean your body from toxins and heavy metals.

  1. Improves digestion

Bromelain facilitates digestion and helps the body to better digest proteins.

  1. Strengthens the gums and teeth

Pineapple water is packed with calcium, a mineral which is vital for proper health of bones and teeth.

  1. Improves vision

The water is rich in beta carotene, an important antioxidant which improves your vision and reduces the risk of age-related vision problems such as macular degeneration.

  1. Prevents cancer

According to a famous study, bromelain works far more efficiently than a common chemotherapy drug called 5-flurouracil, on more than one type of cancer cells.

How to Prepare Pineapple Water

Ingredients you will need:

  • 1 l. of Water
  • 1 medium-sized Pineapple
  • 6 Mint leaves


Simply pour the water in a jar, peel the pineapple and chop it in small pieces. Add the pineapple pieces to the jar as well and at last add the mint leaves.

Once done, tightly close the jar and let it sit in the fridge for 8-10 hours (overnight). Start drinking the water from the following day.
