You Must Know the Differences between a Heart Attack, Cardiac Arrest and Stroke

It is important to know the difference!

Many of us may think that cardiac arrest, heart attack, and stroke are the same. Often these terms are used interchangeably. But it’s not true; all three terms are related to heart issues still there is a significant difference in the causes, symptoms and effects of these three heart issues on the body.

It is important to be able to distinguish between these three terms so that one can get proper treatment to get rid of the heart trouble.

Here is the collection of details about the three heart trouble condition which includes causes, symptoms and first aid to react on such situations.

Heart Attack

Let’s begin with the details about heart attack, what it exactly is and how to identify that one is about to get an attack.

Heart Attack is a Circulation Disorder

Yes, a heart attack is a blood circulation disorder. As we know that blood is rich in oxygen, when it gets blocked in some part of heart muscles it leads to dying of muscles. This course of action is responsible for heart attack.

In this disorder, the blood flow is an issue whereas the heat of the patient continues beating.


The symptoms of heart attack can occur quite early of the actual attack and can continue for several days.

  • Coughing and Nausea
  • Increase in Anxiety
  • Dizziness and feeling of light-headedness
  • Lack of breath and wheezing
  • Cold sweating
  • Pain in the abdomen, back, neck, arms and jaw (Left one)
  • Pain the in the chest- You might get confused with chest pain during heart attack with heartburn due to indigestion. Here the heaviness in the middle region the of the chest is followed by pain. It can continue for several minutes or can come and go.

There are no home remedies to treat a heart attack. You have to seek medical help in this situation  on an immediate basis.

Cardiac Arrest

The cardiac arrest differs in many points with a heart attack. It is a separate heart issue. Look in detail for information

Cardiac Arrest is  “Electrical” Disorder

Here, the chaos in the electrical activities of heart leads to cardiac arrest. It creates the irregular heart beating and sometimes it immediately stops the blood pumping process. The heart beat completely stops in the case of cardiac arrest.


The symptoms of cardiac arrest are distinguished from a heart attack. Several minutes before the cardiac arrest one can experience symptoms like-

  • Lack or Loss of breath
  • Blackout and fainting
  • Sudden collapse
  • Lack of responsiveness and loss of pulse
  • Weakness
  • Pain in the chest
  • Extreme palpitation


The symptoms of cardiac arrest are very strong and sudden. It often leads to on spot death of the person. People who have a history of a heart attack are at more risk to get a cardiac arrest.


Although this trouble is often considered to be related to heart trouble it is moreover an artery blockage or rupturing issue. See the types and symptoms of stroke.

Stroke is a Brain Disorder

Yes, it is a brain disorder and closely related to the functioning of the artery. Here are different types of the stroke one can suffer with-

Transient ischemic attack (TIA): In this case the artery which supplies blood to the brain stops the transport temporarily for a while. It is well known as “mini-stroke”.

Ischemic stroke: Here the blockage in the artery make the blood supply irregular to the brain. Sometimes the blood rich in oxygen could not reach the brain which results in a stroke.

Hemorrhagic stroke: This stroke occurs due to sudden rupturing of an artery inside the brain.


The symptoms of stroke differ a lot from heart attack and cardiac arrest

  • Excessive sweating and Nausea
  • Headaches and vomiting
  • Double seeing and blurred vision
  • Inability to walk followed by dizziness
  • Numbness of paralysis of the on one side affecting arm, face or leg.
  • Disrupted speech
  • The mental confusion which leads to forgetting the place, names and sometimes inability to understand the conversation.
  • Transient ischemic attack (TIA)

Instant medical help is required to treat the stroke. A lot of rest is required to the patient to get out of this medical condition.

So, now you are aware of three different types of troubles which are general get all mixed up. Just keep a watch on the symptoms and differentiate the issue immediately.
