In today’s article we are going to explain you how to keep the garlic, shallots and onions fresh for up to two months: simply take a punch and make a few holes in a paper bag. Put your onions on the bag, carefully seal with a paper clip and then store unrefrigerated in the pantry in period of 2 months or longer.
Cutting: use a stainless steel hair pick as a guide, and your knife skills will pick up quickly. You will get nice, even cuts and you can save time in prep.
Onion skins
You can utilize the onion skins as a base for soup stock. You will get great flavor and amazing brown color.
For that purpose, you can utilize all veggie cuttings and skins and prepare soup stocks.
You can also make bread – replace about five percent of the flour you would use with onion skins and you will get tasty breads.
If you are suffering from cramps, onion skins can help. In water cook 2 handfuls of onion skins 10-20 minutes on low heat. Then, strain the skins and drink 1 cup every night before going to bed. Very soon the cramps will disappear.
Aren’t onions amazing? For more info, check the video below: