Eating sinigwelas (hog plum) can benefit your body in ways you don’t know! #2 is very important!


With all the drugs manufactured all over the world to treat the millions of diseases discovered every day, it has become one of the most flourishing businesses. However, not all of them are effective and they cost a fortune! With this, it is sometimes more practical and wise to rely on the wonders of nature.

This sinigwelas fruit, for example, has a lot of health benefits than we have ever imagined! It is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. It is known as the “food of the Gods” in the Philippines which usually taste sweet when ripe.

Here are its other health benefits:

#1: Antioxidant Protection
Since it is very rich in antioxidants, it can neutralize disease- causing oxygen radicals that can build up inside the body. These radicals are what causes cancer and can also destroy internal organs.

#2: Controlling Cholesterol
It has high levels of Vitaminc C which prevents oxidized cholesterol from bulding up in the walls of arteries. This can prevent arthrosclerosis, asthma, osteoarthritis, colon cancer, and rheumatoid arthritis which are caused by cholesterol.

#3: Improved Iron Absorption
It is one of the fruits which can improve the ability of the body in absorbing iron from the food we eat.

#4: Rich in Nutrients
Since it belongs to the family of plums, it is rich in Vitamin A, beta carotene, potassium and dietary fiber!

#5 Prevent Macular Degeneration
According to studies, three servings of plums regularly can actually lower the risk of macular degeneration brought about by aging.
