The Magic Onion: Things You Didn’t Know Onions Could Do!

Unusual, but really effective use of the onion:

Onions are a necessary part of numerous traditional cuisines around the world, and it has been also used as a medicine for thousands of years. Namely, it is believed to be the most effective natural remedy for severe vomiting and is an excellent immune system booster.

It belongs to the allium family and its powerful antiseptic and antibiotic properties are due to the high amounts of Sulphur. Moreover, onion is also loaded with the antioxidant Quercetin which efficiently fights free radicals.

Onions are a common natural remedy in the case of various ailments and health conditions. In the case of respiratory conditions, onions can be of great help as they are strong expectorant.

Also, the onion is a powerful antioxidant, and due to its sulfur and flavonoid compounds, it is beneficial in the case of diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, and high cholesterol levels.

Onions have been a commonly used remedy for flu and colds by the Native Americans. The potent properties of onions to relieve respiratory infections, bronchitis and coughs have been confirmed by the World Health Organization.

This is how to use onion as a natural treatment for various ailments and health issues:

  • Cough- You should peel a bigger onion and slice it in half. Cover the halves with a tablespoon of brown sugar and leave them thus for an hour. Take the sugar/onion relish two times a day to relieve a cough.
  • Vomiting– You should grate two onions, one white, the other yellow. You should squeeze the juice from them, wrapped in a cheesecloth. Then, brew some peppermint tea and leave it to cool. Then, drink 2 teaspoons of the onion juice and wait 5 minutes, and next, drink 2 teaspoons of the cool peppermint tea and wait for another 5 minutes. Repeat this until the symptoms subside. Nausea will go away in 15 minutes, and vomiting almost immediately.
  • Ear pain/infection– You should put chopped onion chunks I a thinner sock, and tie it. Place it on the affected ear and cover the ear/head, with a hat in order to secure the sock in place. You should take it off when the pain disappears.
  • Colic– This is a popular Cherokee Indian recipe for colic babies: You should boil some diced yellow onion in some water, and leave it to cool. Drain and give your baby a teaspoon of this tea on every hour until you relieve the symptoms.
  • Fever– Rub some coconut oil on the bottom of your feet. Then, cut the onion in thin slices, and put a slice on the foot arch, and wrap with cling wrap. Next, put in socks, and this will remove toxins from the body, as well as the illness.
  • Breakup chest congestion– Mix some coconut oil with crushed onions, and apply this paste on the chest. Then, cover with a towel and put on a T-shirt.
  • Cuts– The onion skin has a transparent film which has potent antiseptic properties, and can stop the bleeding immediately.
  • Purify the air– To cleanse the air from bacteria and viruses, you should put onion slices on plates around your house.

These are some unusual, but really effective uses of onion:

  • Prevent freckling by rubbing onion slices on you
  • Rub some onion juice on the scalp to stimulate hair growth
  • To prevent rusting of the iron, rub an onion slice onto it
  • To repel pests, spray some boiled and cooled onion juice onto your plants
  • In order to repel bugs, you should cut the onion, and rub its slices on you
  • Onion slices can be used for glassware and copper polishing
  • The juice of the onion successfully repels moths

Onions have been used as a natural remedy in the case of numerous ailments for centuries, due to their powerful beneficial properties. Therefore, you should try some of these homemade onion remedies and treat your health issues in a completely safe and natural way.
