These Bugs Reside In Your Bed And Harm Your Lungs And Back While You Sleep, Know How To Destroy Them Quickly, Easily And Naturally!

Before we begin with this article, first, let me ask you a question – Do you make your bed immediately after you wake up in the morning?

Well, if yes, then you should know that millions of dust mites, which live in your bed are now trapped between sheets. These dust mites are feeding off your dead skin cells and your sweat. Disgusting, right? And you should also know that these dust mites are potential threats and they can cause asthma and allergies.

But, unmade and open bed will expose these dust mites to some fresh air and sunlight. These 2 things – fresh air and sunlight, will dehydrate them and kill them all. We all know that all people sweat when they sleep. The medical experts claim that average adult person can sweat up to 1 liter of fluid per night. So, sweating creates the perfect breeding environment for the dust mites. They also say that the number of dust mites “living” in an average bed can be up to 1.5 million dust mites. And as we said before, these dust mites are breeding and living off our sweat and dead skin cells, while we sleep.

Well, the medical experts say that their existence is not the real problem. The real problem is that the dust mites can leave behind “waste”, which can cause health problems for people. Well, their “waste” can cause some dust allergies and cause asthma, when it’s inhaled by people. The main director of the cleaning lab at the GHI (Good Housekeeping Institute), Carolyn Forte, says that it’s highly recommended for everyone to leave their beds unmade for some time, during the morning. The main reason behind is that the sheets will have an opportunity to dry from your nighttime sleep.

She also mentions that making your bed after you eat your breakfast and get ready for work is your best choice. And, you should wash your sheet every week, or at least every 2 weeks. And yes, don’t forget the pillow cases as well. Well, you should know that some experts say that you can leave your bed unmade for the entire day, and make it when you get home at night.

If the dust mites are exposed to fresh air and light all day, they will dehydrate and die. It will make you bedroom a better place to sleep and you can breathe easier. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to share with your friends and family.
