15 Minutes Of Walking A Day Can Change Your Body!

We are a nation of largely sedentary workers. Nowadays people take less and less exercise and it can lead to serious health issues.

I know that a lot of us don’t have enough time and condition for exercise but there is one most simple form which is extremely effective-walking.

Having 15 minutes walk daily can help us live longer. There were several studies made in the University Hospital of Saint-Etienne, the University of Lyon, the University Hospital of Dijon, the Regional Center for Cancer Prevention and Jean Monnet University in France. The following study was published in the peer-reviewed British Journal of Sports Medicine.

This study included people aged 60 and over who did just 15 minutes of exercise daily and they reduced their risk of dying early by 22%, compared with people who did not exercise at all. A 15-minute daily walk ‘will help you live longer’-  says study.

This story has been reported widely in the media.

That is why doctors recommend us at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week.

You can try walking like a low-impact exercise which has numerous of benefits for our health. Some of them are:

  1. It helps us lose weight
  2. Waking boosts vitamin D
  3. It relives pain
  4. Waking improves our mood
  5. Waking improves our cardiovascular functions.
  6. Helps us prevent diabetes
  7. Helps us prevent colon cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer
