Believe It or Not, Use Frozen Lemons and Say Goodbye to Diabetes, Tumors, Obesity!

When your do this regularly your health will improve tremendously.

Lemons are citrus fruits that are rich in minerals and vitamins, such as; calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium, protein, riboflavin, folate, vitamin A, C, B6 and E. Lemons are known to have potent antioxidants which will combat free radicals that are responsible for a myriad of health problems including cancers and tumors.

However, what most people do not realize is that most of the antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins in lemons are actually concentrated in their peel and inner skin, not just their flesh. As a matter of fact, it is believed that you are likely to get between 5 and 10 times as much vitamins in the peel and skin than you would from the flesh.

It is worthy of note that you should focus on getting organic lemons if you intend using the peel and not GMO lemons because the latter are usually treated with pesticides and other chemicals that settle on the peel of the lemons and are difficult to wash off.

Freeze Your Lemons

To get the best out of your lemons you will need to freeze them. This will preserve the nutrients of the lemons better and you will get to maximize its use when you freeze them. However, you should wash your lemons very well before you freeze them, refrigerate your lemons and only use them when they are completely frozen.

Utilizing Your Frozen Lemons

Once frozen take the lemons out of your fridge and cut them in half. Use a grater to grind the halved lemons from their flat end. This is the best way to ensure that the lemon is still frozen while you grind it out into little bits. These ground out frozen lemon bits should be added to your meals, such as; pasta sauce, salad, yogurt, and soup. The frozen lemon will help to enhance the taste of your meals, giving it a nice flavor.

You could also add the frozen lemon bits to your homemade ice cream, fruit and veggie juice, tea and smoothie. If you love baking, then adding frozen lemon bits to your cakes, homemade bread and muffins will boost their taste.

Consume more lemon in your diet and don’t forget to do so with the peel intact. When your do this regularly your health will improve tremendously.
