In My House We Are Not Throwing The Pineapple Peels Any More. This Is The Reason…

And about you? Do you know it?

The pineapples are from the group of fruits called “Bromeliad”, but they are one of the few edible fruits which come from that group of fruits. The pineapple is a fruit which Is formed by a grid of various individual berries which are merged together, and each and every individual scale is the end of one and the start of another berry.

But, the berries are not the only part of the pineapple that could be used! Today, in this article we are going to show you a how you could use the whole fruit together with its peel.

The Pineapple Has A Lot Of Nutritive Benefits:

This fruit is rich in manganese as well as in vitamin C. But, they also contain a fair amount of dietary fiber and an enzyme which is known as bromelain.

The manganese is responsible for the defense of antioxidants. Thiamine and Vitamin B are also present in this fruit and they are good for producing a good amount of energy.

Because of the lack of cholesterol, no fat, and the low levels of sodium make this fruit an amazing ingredient to add in into your diet. One cup full of pineapple pieces has only 82 calories in it.

The Health Benefits Of The Pineapple

  1. A great anti-inflammatory fruit:

The pineapple is the only dietary source of bromelain known to us. This whole fruit is full of it, but, the largest concentrations of this enzyme can be found in the core of this fruit. The anti-inflammatory properties of the bromelain make this fruit a great ingredient for the ones who are suffering from sports injuries.

  1. It Has A Lot Of Benefits For Your Heart:

The vitamin C which can be found in this fruit in abundance is a great ingredient which can be used against any kind of heart diseases. A lot of studies have been conducted in Finland and China and the results of these researches show that the vitamin C when consumed in high amounts can decrease the risks of coronary illnesses.

  1. It Has Anti Carcinogenic Properties:

The enzyme that we mentioned earlier – the bromelain is a great agent that fights off cancer flawlessly. And this fruit (the pineapple) works great together with chemotherapy to successfully stop the growth of cancer cells. And the beta carotene that it contains protects the prostate and the colon from cancer.

  1. Fertility:

This fruit is also rich in a lot of various types of vitamins and minerals such as, vitamin C, copper, beta carotene, zinc and folic acid, and many of these ingredients can work good in bettering the fertility of a woman or a man.

  1. It Prevents Cataract From Developing:

The vitamin C also is great in protecting the vision. And if you have higher consumption of vitamin C you may actually decrease the risk of a cataract developing.

  1. Asthma:

The beta carotene that can be found in the pineapple is converted into vitamin A along the process of digestion. The results from a handful of studies show that the beta carotene may reduce the chance of exercise – induced asthma.

  1. Osteoarthritis:

The pineapple has great anti-inflammatory properties and that is why this fruit is great for treating osteoarthritis!

How to make the AMAZING pineapple juice:

You are going to need the following ingredients:

  • 1 l of filtered water
  • 1 whole pineapple with its peels
  • Sweetener for taste.

How prepare the pineapple juice:

In the beginning wash the pineapple peel good, start peeling the pineapple and separate the peel from the fruit, and cut off the crown of the pineapple. Put the shell in a pan filled with water and start boiling the shell with some pineapple pulp. Once the mixture cools of dilute it with one liter of water and in the end add in a bit of the sweetener for a better taste. Strain the mixture and consume the juice.
