Scientist Discovers a Cure for Cancer Over 60 Years Ago (They’ve Been Keeping It Secret All This Time!)

Johanna Budwig, a German scientist, has discovered the cure for cancer since 1951 but you probably haven’t even heard about it. She’s been nominated for the Nobel Prize 6 times and had 2 doctorates, 1 in medicine and 1 in pharmaceutical chemistry. During her lifetime she cured 90% of her cancer patient, suffering from all types of cancer, using natural, non-toxic ingredients which don’t have any adverse side-effects. However, her discovery wasn’t profitable for the pharmaceutical companies which is why they kept her cure a secret, and many of us even today haven’t heard of the Budwig protocol and its amazing success.“I have the answer to cancer, but American doctors won’t listen. They come here and observe my methods and are impressed. Then they want to make a special deal so they can take it home and make a lot of money. I won’t do it, so I’m blackballed in every country, “- Dr. Budwig said.

The Cancer Industry is Based on Lies!

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the Big Pharma has kept these discoveries from the public eye, because if a cure for cancer is found in something which is available to us all, how can they make a fortune of it? This disease has become one of the most profitable ones in the history of mankind and they’ll do everything in their power to keep it that way.

The Unholy Trinity of Cancer!

We’re all exposed to abnormally high levels of toxins, radiation and acidosis (triggered by drugs and poor diet) which is the unholy trinity of cancer. The cancer cells thrive in such an environment. When this condition reaches its final stages we develop acidosis, our body becomes acidic and the blood’s capacity to transfer and carry oxygen gets significantly reduced. A healthy person’s blood oxygen level is between 98 and 100, while cancer patients have a staggering 60, when measured with a pulse oximeter.

The lack of oxygen in a cancer patient’s blood is substituted with wastes such as carbon dioxide. This lack of oxygen leads to the formation of tumors and cells must mutate in order to get energy from a sugar fermentation process. This is not as a biochemically “clean” process, and the waste products of fermentation that builds up in the tissues cause even higher toxicity. This leads to even more acidosis and cellular oxygen starvation. All of this inevitably leads to the proliferation of cancer cells and has fatal consequences for the patient. These claims are not fiction, they’re based on real science and proven by the Nobel Prize winner in 1932, Dr.Otto Warburg.

Our most important tool in the fight against cancer is oxygen and Dr. Budwig follows this principle. Her protocol involves boosting oxygen supplies and adjusting the body’s pH levels into an alkaline state and it does a much better job than any other treatment out there. Once we managed to make an alkaline environment in our body, our blood is pumped with oxygen leading to the starvation and death of mutated cancer cells.

The Budwig protocol is based on the use of a mixture made of flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. She also discovered that the so-called “healthy” diets, stripped of fats, can do more harm than good and decided to take a different approach. She eliminated the unhealthy fats and foods which lower your oxygen levels and focused on healthy, healing foods. She points out the importance of sunlight exposure since it’s a natural source of D3 – the anti-cancer vitamin.

The Budwig Anti-Cancer Protocol!

Dr. Budwig’s protocol is comprised of two stages. The first stages is an all-natural one, in which the sulfhydryl groups in quark or cottage cheese bind with the unsaturated fatty acids in flaxseed oil. Dr. Budwig found that the body will synthesize omega-3 from flaxseed oil in the exact quantity that it needs. “Without these fatty acids, the respiratory enzymes cannot function and the person suffocates, even when he is given oxygen-rich air. A deficiency in these highly unsaturated fatty-acids impairs many vital functions. First of all, it decreases the person’s supply of available oxygen. We cannot survive without air and food; nor can we survive without these fatty acids, “she stated.The remedy she designed is usually taken orally but in the terminal cases Dr. Budwig administered the flax seed oil in enema form.

The second stage of the Budwig Protocol revolves around a specially designed diet which should be followed for at least 6 months.

The Remedy!

Mix 1 tablespoon of flax oil and 2 tablespoons of organic low fat cottage cheese or quark for every 100 pounds of an individual. But still the dosage should be adjusted according to your individual symptoms and the severity of the disease. Blend the flaxseed oil and the cheese with an immersion blender for a minute, don’t try to do it manually. Only a blender can give you the consistency you need. Then you need to grind a few tablespoons of brown or golden flaxseeds in a coffee grinder for a minute, to get an airy, fluffy mixture. Pour the mixture into a bowl and add the oil and cheese mixture. Mix everything with a wooden spoon until it’s combined. Take the remedy once a day!

The Diet and additional tips!

  • Get sufficient amounts of sunshine in order to stimulate mind and body healing
  • Drink only purified water
  • Eliminate meat, sugar, or animal fat from your diet completely
  • You should only eat food immediately after preparation
  • Eliminate all processed foods from your diet
  • Consume fresh grind flax seeds within 15 minutes of grinding
  • Consume only fresh and organic fruits and vegetables
  • Combine quark or cottage cheese and flaxseed oil in a 2:1 ratio and blend until there is no visible oil floating
  • Do not add other ingredients until final cheese mixture results
  • Avoid all kinds of drugs and supplements
