10 Beers That You Should Stop Drinking Immediately

Your health is your own responsibility, so make sure you give your money to the ones that honestly deserve it.

Nowadays, people become growingly aware of the importance of the food they consume, so they pay special attention to what they eat.

However, this is rarely the case when it comes to drinks, especially alcoholic ones. This is a huge mistake, as it may actually ruin your entire efforts.

The ingredients of food and non- alcoholic drinks are required to be labeled on products, and they are monitored by the FDA, but beer does not belong to this category.

Thus, alcohol industry had lobbied not to list its ingredients, some due to the desire to protect its ingredients, and some to hide them, as they harm the health.

Beer contains numerous dangerous ingredients, including:

  • GMO Sugars
  • GMO Corn
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup
  • GMO Corn Syrup
  • Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
  • Fish Bladder
  • BPA
  • Insect-Based Dyes
  • Propylene Glycol
  • Natural Flavors
  • Caramel Coloring
  • Carrageenan

Yet, all beers are different, so you should check the list below, which includes the top 10 worst beers:

Pabst Blue Ribbon

It is often referred to as PBR and represents a classic beer. It has been extremely popular for decades, but it is also made with corn syrup and GMO corn.


Otherwise knows as the “King of Beers”, this one is one of the favorite beers in North America, and it sponsors numerous leagues and athletic events such as the NFL.

Yet, it is made with genetically modified corn (GMO). Since its rise 3 decades ago, Monsanto started to genetically modify corn to resist herbicides without a drop off in crop supply, so GMO corn causes numerous health issues, supports the excessive development of a white blood cell called eosinophil, which in such high amounts attacks the skin, organs, cardiovascular and nervous system.

Samuel Adams Winter Lager

Samuel Adams Winter Lager is extremely high in calories, with only 5.8% alcohol, but 200 calories a glass. This definitely leads to gut-busting effects, and may affect blood sugar levels. Therefore, you should always consume it moderately.

Newcastle Brown

This beer is imported from England and has a rich color. However, its color indicates the dangerous ingredients it includes. Research found Class 3 and 4 caramel coloring, which is created from a carcinogen, ammonia, and may lead to cancer and foster cancer cells. Consider the fact that alcohol is a carcinogen by itself as well, so this doubles your risk for developing this deadly disease.

Miller Lite

Miller Lite is a popular light, refreshing beer, and you surely recognize the slogan “It’s Miller time!” Yet, it involves both GMO corn and corn syrup. It does not contain high amounts of alcohol, so its easiness and its dangerous ingredients are not a beneficial combination. It is still unclear whether Miller Genuine Draft also contains these harmful ingredients.

Michelob Ultra

Michelob Ultra contains GMO dextrose, another GMO sweetener akin to corn syrup, which affects blood sugar and causes various diseases. It is rich in calories, so its consumption seriously affects blood sugar.

Coors Light

It is very famous in North America, due to its skillful marketing and smoothness as a light beer. The marketing strategy of the company is remarkable indeed, regarding the glaciers that change color based on the coldness of the beer, and gives the impression that it is the coldest and freshest beer consumers can have. Yet, it also includes GMO corn syrup as a sweetener.

Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Ale

This glutinous beer contains 330 calories per glass and 9.6% alcohol, so two of it is equal to a meal. Yet, its content of alcohol surely makes drinkers order high amounts of food with it.


This extremely popular stout beer is recognized by its smoothness. Yet, it contains isinglass, an ingredient derived from fish bladders.

Corona Extra

Corona is one of the most popular drink during the summer, and its commercials are not too aggressive of annoying, which is nice to see on the TV nowadays. Yet, it contains GMO corn syrup, which is derived from GMO corn, and Propylene Glycol, which is a common ingredient in anti-freeze.

Healthy Beer Alternatives

This shows that you need to be careful when it comes to beer, so note that it is important to avoid cheap, low-quality products, as their price is low for a reason.

Moreover, stay away from American beers as they are high in GMOs, and opt for organic beers instead. The labels “100% organic” demand that the product contains 100% organic ingredients, and “organic” label just means 95% of it is organic.

European beer in most cases does not include GMO ingredients, while other brands often include grains, stabilizers, GMO artificial ingredients, preservatives, and HFCS. The following list will be of great help when it comes to choosing the right beer brand:

Non-Organic Beers (Unpasteurized and Unfiltered)

  • North Coast – Blue Star
  • Royal Oak – Pale Ale
  • Duck Rabbit – Brown Ale, Amber Ale, Milk Stout, Porter
  • Shipyard – Summer Brew
  • Victory Brewery – Whirlwind
  • Ayinger – all choices
  • Fraziskaner – Hefeweisse and Dunkel Weisse
  • Weihenstephaner – Hefe Weissbier
  • Dogfish Head- 60 Minute IPA, Chicory Stout, Shelter Pale Ale,
  • Bridgeport – IPA (Bottle conditioned)
  • Maisel’s – Weisse
  • Hoegaarden – Belgian Wit
  • Sierra Nevada – all choices

GMO-Free Beers:

Organic Beers (Unpasteurized and Unfiltered)

  • Lamar Street – Whole Foods label (brewed by Goose Island)
  • Brooklyn – (organic when ingredients are available)
  • Dogfish Head (organic when ingredients available)
  • Pinkus – all beers
  • Wychwood – Scarecrow Ale
  • Bison – all beers
  • Wolaver’s – all beers
  • Fish Brewery Company – Fish Tale Ales
  • Samuel Smiths – Samuel Smiths Organic Ale
  • Lakefront Brewery – Organic ESB


  • Amstel Light
  • Nelson Organic Ale
  • Heineken
  • Mill Street Brewery
  • Steamwhistle
  • Fuller’s Organic
  • Natureland Organic
  • Duchy Original Ale Organic

Moreover, it is also our duty and should be our goal to expose companies which use such harmful ingredients, as they intentionally endanger our health.

They try to hide this truth with false advertising worth millions of dollars, laws, and the like. Yet, your health is your own responsibility, so make sure you give your money to the ones that honestly deserve it.

Articles of this kind expose the harmful ingredients in products, in this case, beer, so it will undoubtedly reduce their production, s companies will eliminate the harmful ingredients they use.
