10 Reasons Why You Should Eat An Avocado A Day. Surprising!

Add to your diet!

Who does not like avocados?
We all love their creamy pulp, in salads or guacamole sauces to accompany appetizers. Avocado is one of the tastiest, most dietetic and nutritious fruits in the world.

Consuming an avocado every day will contribute to your good health because it has numerous benefits that are not well known. Many people believe that eating avocados run the risk of adding calories because it is a fruit rich in fat. But this fruit is composed of 20% of fats that are mostly oleic acid, ie the same fats that give olive oil all its protective benefits.

This is how an avocado is equivalent to two tablespoons of olive oil. Recall that the Cretans, whose death rate from cardiovascular diseases is the lowest in the world, consumes an average of seven tablespoons of olive oil per day … And they are not overweight.

In other words, when consuming an avocado or two a day, you are consuming essential fats for your cardiovascular health without risking weight gain because these essential fats help regulate blood sugar levels at the same time.

But this is not all, there are other reasons why consuming an avocado a day, represents an important help for your general well-being. Let’s see this in detail!

1.It will not make you fat, do not fear.
The fashion of the phobia for fatty foods is over. If you avoid avocados because of a mistaken and persistent belief of the 80s that these fruits are fattening, you are wrong. If you do, you’ll be losing an excellent source of monounsaturated fatty acids, the same good fats found in olive oil that help improve heart health.

In addition, avocados are rich in healthy fats and fibers that help provide a feeling of fullness and prevent hunger. Studies indicate that avocado-containing foods tend to increase the feeling of fullness for longer than those that do not, so it’s a good idea to add a few slices of avocado to your meals every day to help you slow down. hungry for a few hours.

2.Creamy and tasty nutrients.
Like many superfoods, what they contain is what counts and avocados are nutritional gold mines. That contain? In addition to those good monounsaturated fats that we already mentioned, avocados are rich in an important number of nutrients that stimulate health for the well-being of the organism.

Beneath its green bark, there are more than 14 minerals, proteins, 18 essential amino acids, soluble fibers that help lower cholesterol, phytosterols, polyphenols, carotenoids, Omega3, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K, among other.

3.Benefits for long-term health.
What does it mean to be rich in nutrients? This means a stomach that feels satiated for longer, a brain that is well supplied with nutrients necessary for its optimal functioning from now on and a body that receives the nutrients it needs to protect itself from heart disease, diabetes, cancer , degenerative eye diseases and brain diseases.

Also, all these nutrients can help to naturally reduce LDL and increase good cholesterol, ie HDL, while helping to regulate the glycemic rate and relieve inflammation throughout the body and brain. With these advantages, it is easy to see why the avocado integrates the list of superfoods.

4.Other beneficiaries: brain and muscles.
Avocado contains lecithin, a particular lipid substance that also abounds in egg yolk. Lecithin fulfills several important roles in our body, including the composition of bile salts through which we digest and assimilate better fats and all micro nutrients, such as vitamins also called fat-soluble. Lecithin also participates in brain functions, nerve impulse transmission and muscle level, thanks to its choline content.

Choline is one of the constituents of lecithin and is necessary for the formation of cell membranes. Choline is the immediate precursor of acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter essential for the action of muscles, but also to memorize long-term movements.

5.Better control of insulin.
Another important factor in metabolism is the rate of glucose in our body. Insulin is extremely powerful, and this prevents serious problems.

If there is an excess of glucose, it can be stored in the liver and muscle tissues, but when these organs are saturated, insulin shifts the glucose to the fat cells. This storage can lead to a hypoglycemia, which can not only cause diabetes but also generate a need to consume sweets, something harmful when losing weight.

6.Excellent source of Omega9.
Even though an avocado contains approximately 160 calories, it is also rich in Omega9. In fact, avocados are one of the best sources of these fats, and they were widely studied over the past 10 years.

Omega9 reduces LDL cholesterol levels, increasing HDL levels, that is, good cholesterol. Even, Omega9 contributes to the absorption of vitamins and antioxidants.

7.The liver produces more glutathione.
Eating an avocado a day will make your liver produce more glutathione, an important antioxidant that helps accelerate metabolism due to the magnesium it contains, a key factor in more than 300 metabolic processes.

Also, this antioxidant helps fight free radicals, generators of serious health problems.

8.Control blood pressure.
We know that potassium is essential to regulate blood pressure and avocado contains 485 mg of potassium per 100 g of fruit, which makes it an ideal food to regulate blood pressure. However, in case you are hypertensive, it is essential to reduce the consumption of fats, since this fruit is in itself quite fatty.

9.An indispensable food for expectant mothers.
During pregnancy, a woman needs a maximum of nutrients that she must transfer to her fetus. The avocado is the fruit par excellence that can provide everything you need. Potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and folic acid. This is found in abundance in the avocado that helps develop the dermal tissue, the brain of the baby and fights the morning sickness of pregnant women.

10.Excellent anticancer.
How can we not count the avocado as an excellent anticancer agent when it has so many antioxidants? In effect, it helps to effectively fight cancer cells and prevent their growth. Another advantage for people who are already in treatment, the avocado considerably reduces the side effects they cause.

What do you think about knowing some alternatives on how to consume this nutritious fruit? Here we leave you some ideas.

Avocado and chocolate smoothie

– 1 spoonful of cocoa powder.
– 1 cup of cabbage (cabbage).
– 1 cup of blueberries
– ¼ of avocado.
– 1 teaspoon of chia seeds.
– 300 ml of almond or coconut milk or water.

Blend all ingredients. Drink cold or add ice to the preparation.
