104-Year Old Japanese Doctor Recommends These 14 Healthy Pieces of Advice

Try some of these things they might really be very helpful for you!

Shigeaki Hinohara is now 104 years old, he used to be a doctor in Japan, and he is has discovered the secrets about how to live longer than 100 years, and how you can enjoy every day of your life. Dr. Hinohara was born in 1911, not only that he became a doctor, he also published more than 150 books, one of them is “Living Long, Living Good”, and he is also a founder of “New Elderly Movement”. In this article, you can read the secrets of Dr. Hinohara about how to live a long, happy and a healthy life.

1. Don’t believe anything that your doctor says

Educate yourself more, be curious and read more. Not everything that your doctor says or diagnoses needs to be true.

2. Try to carry your own stuff, and take the stairs more

This is a very good way to keep your body in shape, Dr. Hinohara is 104 years old and he still takes the stairs, even if he needs to take 2 steps at a time while he is climbing.

3. Nobody says that you have to retire

You don’t have to retire, if you are loving your work and the things you do, then do it.

4. Share what you know with others

Dr. Hinohara is still having classes in many schools and universities, and he often likes to have some lessons about war and peace. And some of his lessons are taking up to 90 minutes, and they are always preformed while standing.

5. Don’t be overweight

Dr. Hinohara is always taking a tablespoon of olive oil on daily basis, he has breakfast every morning, with a cup of coffee and orange juice. He also likes to have some cookies with some milk for lunch, and for dinner he prefers veggies, fish and rice. He eats very small amount of meat, only 100g and he consumes it 2 times a week.

6. Plan Ahead

If you are feeling bored in your life, you need to get a more busy schedule, plan more things go listen to some lectures, go more to work, go on more different appointments, etc. He also is preparing for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

7. It is very Beautiful to live a long life

This amazing person, works 18h a day 7 days a week, serves society, and still volunteers for some things, and he is telling everybody that he has enjoyed every single second of his long and happy life.

8. The energy doesn’t come from sleeping more, it will come if you are feeling good

You will feel full of energy and happy only if you get rid of your strict boundaries and rules in your head, you need to think more like a child — have more fun, do fun thins until you get tired and sleepy.

9. Don’t stress too much about things, everybody’s life is full of surprises

When he was 59 years old he was hijacked buy the Red Army of the communists. He was handcuffed to his seat in under 40 degrees for 4 days. Also he tells that he is very surprises how his body adapted to that harsh environment, by slowing down all of its functions.

10. Find yourself a role model

Dr. Hinohara told that when he always faced an issue, he would ask himself how his father would act in that situation.

11. Don’t go crazy for money

The man is very aware that no matter how rich he is and how much he has, when he goes from this world, he cannot take anything with him.

12. Science alone cannot cure or help people

Dr. Hinohara believes that every disease or illness can be treated or cured with visual and liberal arts. Also he said that he believes in the uniqueness in every person.

13. Be inspired

If you want to find motivation in your life, first you must get inspired by something. For his ex: he finds his motivation in a very famous poem “Abt Vogler” which was written by Robert Browning.

14. Pain is mysterious

If you want to relieve from the pain you are experiencing, you must do something positive and fun! He concluded in his long and happy life that these things can make many people happy, those are animals and music, it is an effective way to get rid of the stress and pain at the same time.

Share this post with your friends and family if you find it interesting, try some of these things they might really be very helpful for you!

Source: globaliving.org