11 powerful health benefits of ginger

What's your favorite way of having ginger?
Ginger is, admittedly, not for everyone. The powerful, tangy kick it provides to recipes and drinks can sometimes be too much for individuals with more sensitive palates. Yet, ginger has so many positive effects on your body that it would truly be a shame to pass it up because of taste preferences. These 11 health benefits may just change your mind if you’re still feeling reticent about the plant.
1. Ginger has anti-inflammatory effects
World’s Healthiest Foods says ginger contains gingerol, a compound that fights off inflammation throughout the body. Studies reported by the website proved ginger was effective in lessening the pain and lack of mobility caused by arthritis in the knees. Another study showed 6-gingerol, another chemical found in ginger, helps fight off nitric oxide, which can quickly propagate inflammation by producing the damage-causing peroxynitrite.
2. Ginger may help reduce pain
Beyond just inflammation, ginger has also been shown to be good for pain in general. A study reported by Medical News Today indicated that ginger could help with exercise-induced muscle pain, reducing it by approximately 25 percent.
3. Ginger may help fight the common cold
Home Remedies for Life suggests that ginger can also be good for colds. Not only is it a natural antiviral, it also works as a decongestant and promotes healthy sweating, which can get rid of harmful toxins from the body. Ginger also contains sesquiterpenes, chemicals that combat rhinoviruses — the common cold viruses.
4. Ginger may help prevent cancer
The component 6-gingerol has been found to have anticancer properties, according to Authority Nutrition. A study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information reports 6-gingerol can inhibit cancer cells. The Food Revolution Network also says that 6-shogaol, another compound found within ginger, contained components that were more successful than chemotherapy at fighting off breast cancer stem cells in a lab setting, in some cases.
5. Ginger may help reduce chemotherapy-related nausea
The Mayo Clinic indicates studies have found that taking ginger along with prescribed antinausea medication could help with chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. In these cases, it’s worth noting the ginger was taken a few days before starting chemotherapy, not after the fact.
6. Ginger may help with pregnancy-related nausea
In addition to chemotherapy-related nausea, ginger is known to be excellent when dealing with other types of nausea, including morning sickness. A study reported by World’s Healthiest Foods reported ginger was just as effective as antivomiting medicine for pregnant women and much safer than the latter, which can have harmful side effects on the baby. Authority Nutrition says ginger can also be used for nausea caused by seasickness.
7. Ginger may help with digestive issues
Medical News Today reports phenolic compounds found within ginger help with digestion, as they can relieve irritation, help the body increase its production of saliva and bile and even control the way food moves through the gastrointestinal tract.
8. Ginger may help against some types of bacteria
Ginger is also excellent at fighting off bacteria, Everyday Health reports, and Salmonella in particular, which causes severe diarrhea. Meanwhile, Authority Nutrition also says it’s great for oral bacteria and can help prevent gingivitis and periodontitis, among other diseases of the mouth.
9. Ginger stimulates circulation
According to WebMD, author Judy Griffin says ginger “gets the blood flowing,” helping warm up your body and boost circulation. Ginger-induced sweating has a part in this, according to Griffin, as it “[moves] the energy outward.”
10. Ginger may help reduce menstrual cramps
According to a study reported by Medical News Today, ginger capsules were confirmed to help significantly with dysmenorrhea, intense pain that can occur during menstruation. Authority Nutrition confirms that ginger was able to treat menstrual pain as effectively as mefenamic acid and ibuprofen.
11. Ginger’s antioxidants may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and improve brain function
Thanks to both its anti-inflammatory properties and its high amount of antioxidants, ginger is capable of significantly helping cognitive function, particularly in aging patients. Ginger has been successfully used in tests on animals with the goal of holding back age-related cerebral decline, Authority Nutrition reports. This includes the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.