12 SYMPTOMS OF A DAMAGED LIVER! You need to know about THIS!

These are the symptoms of damaged liver...

The liver is critical for many functions in the body and is the largest solid organ which is located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen and partially protected by the ribs. Due to its importance, it is highly significant to know the signs of liver damage and to know how to take proper care.

There are more than 100 different kinds of liver disease and each of them is manifested differently. Some are hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, cirrhosis, and fatty liver disease. These are the symptoms of damaged liver:

  • Upset stomach – common symptoms are vomiting and nausea, but they can also mimic other diseases such as food poisoning, migraines, vertigo, depression, early pregnancy, and motion sickness. These symptoms can show kidney problems, too. People with liver damage suffer from persistent nausea as the liver is not able to eliminate toxins. Nausea can appear due to constant metabolism and digestion changes. Consult a doctor if you experience these symptoms.
  • Changes in urine color – this might indicate liver damage as the increased levels of bilirubin in the blood causes the urine to look orange, amber, and brown. When the liver cannot eliminate it, the levels of bilirubin increase, and it is being eliminated through the kidneys.
  • Digestion issues – liver reduces bile and if it is damaged, then indigestion and diarrhea can increase. If there is a lack of bile, one can experience intolerance on fatty foods, irritable bowel syndrome, gallstones, alcohol intolerance, abdominal bloating, and constipation.
  • Constipation, intestinal bleeding, and diarrhea – the liver makes clotting factors and sans them, there is bleeding of the intestines connected to diarrhea and constipation.
  • Abdominal pain – this is normal for damaged liver.
  • Fluid retention – this is one of the early sings and appears in the feet and ankles. This condition can be caused by lymphatic disease, heart failure, kidney issues. And hormonal imbalance.
  • Abdominal changes – damaged liver can be manifested through cramping or pain in the lower part of the abdomen, or bloating. An early symptom of liver damage is ascites, fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity. A consequence of a liver disease can be portal hypertension, high blood pressure in the veins and arteries of the abdomen.
  • Increased skin itching – the skin becomes more sensitive when there is liver deficiency, and it often itches and flakes, becoming hypersensitive to touch. There might appear more bruises and increased veins visibility. It will help to keep the skin moist, however, the issue won’t go away until the issue with the liver is solved.
  • Changes in the color of the stool – when bile lacks, the stool color can change, thus instead of being normal brown, it can be clay colored, pale yellow, or gray. If this is not persistent it won’t be dangerous, but if it occurs constantly, you will have to seek medical attention.
  • Appetite loss – this happens as a result of not having enough bile that aids with the fat digestion. If the food you consume is not digested properly, it can lead to appetite loss and serious reduction of weight.
  • Hormonal imbalance – as a consequence men develop breasts and may suffer from a loss of libido.
  • Jaundice – this is a condition where the color of your eye, fingertips, tongue, and skin becomes yellow. This condition appears when the bilirubin levels in the bloodstream increase. This may be an indication of issues with the gallbladder or pancreas, thus consult your doctor.
  • Fatigue and overall weakness – this is one of the obvious early signs of liver damage. When this organ is damaged, the body works harder, thus it needs more rest. This is due to the toxins in the blood not being able to be eliminated by the liver. Consult a doctor if this symptom appears.

In case you notice some of these early signs you have to consult a doctor.


Source: www.healthytipsworld.net