4 major heart attack red flags you NEED to know!

Most people do not realize that heart attacks can be detected hours, days, and even weeks before. Most people are unaware of these "silent" signs. Make sure you know these 4 heart attack red flags, it could save your life!

The heart attacks, contrary to the popular opinion, aren’t usually heralded by classic and obvious signs like where a person clutches at her/his heart dramatically with severe chest pain.
About 25 percent of the heart attacks happen silently, with no recognizable or clear symptoms. Dr. C. Crandall, a cardiologist, has spent many years working to minimize, prevent and reverse heart disease. With time, Dr. C. Crandall has come to recognize that our hearts do warn us of a potential heart attack, minutes, days or weeks before it happens.


Many people think that swelling of the ankles or feet has to do with sitting or standing too much. But, heart failure can cause accumulated fluid in the body. It can cause swelling in the abdomen or legs, ankles and feet. Some people retain so much fluid and discover they have gained weight suddenly. When it occurs, many people lose the appetite.


Many people that have experience heart attack state that they had anxiety attacks just before it happened. Although some people with anxiety attack think that they’re having heart attack, it’s better to be safe than sorry.


For many of the victims, the pains starts in the chest and spreads to the jaw, back, shoulders, arms and abdomen. But, sometimes there isn’t actual chest pain, but pain is some other body parts. It is especially common the pain in one of both arms or between the shoulder blades. It can come and go, but do not let it fool you.


Some of the victims will cough bloody phlegm and others have wheezing or nagging cough that sometimes is a symptom of heart failure. This is because of fluid buildup in the lungs. It is very important to pay attention to this symptom or any of the other symptoms.

These were the hidden signs, but in the following we will show you some of the most common signs that everyone should be aware of:

-Cold sweat;
-Shortness of breath;
-Chest discomfort;

Don’t ignore the symptoms hoping that they’ll disappear. If they last for more than 5-10 minutes, call 911 or call someone to drive you to the hospital. You can also chew an aspirin and swallow it, except if you are allergic to it.
