4 Signs Your Body is Too Acidic and How to Fix it!

Good to know!

The body is a nicely balanced system of cells, bacteria and chemicals everywhere – from the brain to the gut.

And the simplest way to recognize that this balance is disturbed is to check the pH level of the body. And what does the pH level of the body mean? What is it? How to recognize when it is not balanced?

Here is the explanation.

What is it?

It is just the measure of alkalinity and acidity. These both things are very significant in their own manner. For example, the immune system needs alkalinity and the stomach needs high acidity in order to digest food.

What is its significance?

The scale of Ph goes between 0 to 14. Low levels means higher level of acidity and other way around. The neutral number is 7 – this is the number that is normal for the body in order to maintain numerous systems in proper environment for them to function. But it can often go in the level of acidity which can actually cause damage to the body.

Here are signs that show when the body is too acidic

There are many ways to find out your pH level, like measuring the temperature or you can also put some blood on a pH strip.

But it is best to know and check how your body is actually working.

1st Sign – Excess Weight

When your body is too acidic it increases the production of insulin and due to this the body buildup more fat.

The detox systems of the body are not capable of managing with the high amounts of acids in the body and send them to the fat tissues, where it holds up to the cells.

Other thing is that the metabolism needs alkaline environment to function properly, and in acidic environment it cannot function at its best and due to this it cannot burn the calories.

So if you are not losing any weight, this means that there is a big amount of acid in the body.

2nd Sign – Bone Weakness

The body is very efficient and clever.

When the body is too acidic, it searches for alkali from different part of the body and that part are the bones – place you do not prefer to lose its nutrients.

At the beginning, there are no clear signs that this is happening. But as it goes on, and when more calcium is taken from the bones for the problem with acidity, you will start to notice weakness in your bones, and also the bones will be more prone to fracture and increased risk of osteoporosis.

This is the main reason that every doctor advises people with osteoporosis not to consume high-acid foods such as coffee.

3rd Sign – Tooth Sensitivity

The International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications published one study from 2015 that showed a connection between the reduced strength of tooth enamel and the high body acidity. So in case you have cavities, or your tooth is sensitive to hot and cold food and causes pain – this means that you have acid-related enamel degradation.

4th Sign – Sleep Problems

This sign tells you the exact level of acid in your body.

Many surveys have always pointed the Americans as the nation with the most sleep-deprived people worldwide. This is due to the body acidity.

To mention again that the body takes the calcium form bone in order to reduce acidity. And when the levels of calcium are reduced it causes insomnia as it was stated by the Human Nutrition Research Center in North Dakota.

How to treat too acidic body?

When you recognize that your body is too acidic the question is what to do about that?

There are many options for this:


The most commonly used treatment for acidity is going on an alkaline diet. There is also a testimony from one man who said that he has managed to defeat cancer with the help of an alkaline diet.

Here are the foods that are allowed in an alkaline diet:

  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Collards
  • Soybeans
  • Nuts
  • Legumes
  • Kale
  • Cucumber
  • Arugula
  • Raisins
  • Tofu
  • Seeds
  • Zucchini

Foods that you need to avoid:

  • Eggs
  • Most grains
  • Dairy
  • Meat
  • Packaged, processed snacks
  • Caffeine
  • Canned foods

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda

We have mentioned the highly efficient natural remedy – apple cider vinegar and baking soda drink.

Just take 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar and mix them with 1/3 teaspoon of baking soda. This drink will be quite fizzy. Wait for it to stop and then pour 8 oz of water. Then drink it whole at once.

Replace the cleaning products

Most of the usual cleaning products are very acidic. Constant use of them can have a huge impact on the balance of the body.

So it is recommended to change the usual cleaner wit natural like citrus mint cleaner.

Here is a video from David which will give you more information about the levels of pH in your body.

Source:  www.davidwolfe.com