4-Year-Old Boy Jailed For Life

A 4-year-old boy was sentenced to life in prison. Yes, you read that correctly.

A 4-year-old Egyptian boy was sentenced to life in prison on various charges, including murder and inciting riots.

Ahmed Mansour Qarni, born in September 2012, was one of 116 Egyptians charged with murder, destruction of property, and inciting riots and demonstrations in connection with a January 2014 incident, when the boy was only 1, the Middle East Monitor reported.

Defense attorneys said documents confirming Ahmed’s age were denied by the court.

“The [child’s] birth certificate was presented after state security forces added his name to the list of accused, but then the case was transferred to the military court and the child was sentenced in absentia in an ensuing court hearing,” defense attorney Faisal a-Sayd said, according to The Jerusalem Post.

“This proves that the judge did not read the case,” he added.

The charges against the boy included four counts of murder, eight counts of attempted murder, threatening soldiers and police officers, and damaging vehicles belonging to security forces.

The sentencing caused an uproar on social media, with users criticizing Egypt’s corrupt government and broken legal system.

“There is no justice in Egypt,” Egyptian lawyer Mohammed Abu Hurira said in response to the sentencing.

“Egypt is ruled by a bunch of lunatics,” he added.

After an international outcry, the charges were eventually dropped.
