5 Early Signs of Stroke That You Should Be Aware Of

Pay attention!

If you are actually thinking that stroke is just an unexpected happening of a health issue in your brain, then you are wrong. It is not like other kind of illnesses, there are warning signs and symptoms that you can actually look up to when you are having a thought that they might actually get stroke.

Stroke occur when the flow of the blood in your brain has completely stopped and the brain cells are beginning to die.

In addition, don’t be so sure that only elderly people can actually suffer from this. There are more than 35 of the people who got hospitalized due to stroke that is under 65 years old according to Medicine.Net.

High blood pressure, as well as high cholesterol and smoking are some of the factors that contribute and causes stroke.

Here are the 5 warning signs of stroke before it actually happens, whether you believe it or not:

Arm Weakness
People who are suffering from stroke can usually have unexpected weakness or numbness in their body, and it is commonly concentrated on just one side. WebMD have recommended asking the affected person to raise their arms above their head, can they do it? Is one arm significantly lower than the other?

Severe Headache
An unexpected and severe headache can indicate as a symptom of stroke, particularly when it is combined with other symptoms, according to WebMD. You have to note that a couple of these symptoms can happen in the case of migraine, too, so it could be worth asking the affected person if the headache is out of the ordinary for them. If you are in doubt, ask or call for medical help.

The Stroke Association has listed unexpected confusion as one of the symptoms of stroke. This can actually mean that an uncharacteristic inability to understand other people or even to articulate thoughts.

Speech Difficulty
People who are affected by a stroke can usually have trouble in speaking clearly and they have the tendency to slur their own words. HealthLine have recommended asking the affected person to repeat what they are saying and you have to make sure whether they are slurring or not.

Balance Issues
According to Medicine.Net, someone who is suffering from stroke may experience unexpected problems with balance, as well as coordination. If you are not sure, you could ask t
