50-Year-Old Man Cures Lung Cancer With Cannabis Oil, Stuns CBS News

Darren Miller is one of those people who have used this oil to cure his ‘incurable’ lung cancer, and managed to survive, and live against the odds.

The effects of cannabis oil in the case of various cancer types have been confirmed by numerous studies and testimonies.

Darren Miller is one of those people who have used this oil to cure his ‘incurable’ lung cancer, and managed to survive, and live against the odds.

Initially, after his diagnosis, doctors informed him that he had a year to live, as he suffered from ‘inoperable incurable’ lung cancer.

His treatment included chemotherapy, but he decided to also try his chances using cannabis oil, as he has read numerous success stories about its potential.

Survival rates for lung cancer are incredibly low, with stage IA cancer survival rate at 50%, and for stage IV, only 1% of the patients manage to survive.

Darren decided to move to California with his wife in order to be able to legally try the cannabis oil treatment.

Only after 7 months, his cancer was gone! In an interview for the CBS News, he said:

 “Today, which is seven months later, they tell me I am completely cancer-free – not remission. I’ve cured my cancer. Now, am I giving credit to the cannabis oil? Absolutely. Am I giving credit to chemo? I would have to say yes, too. I did both.”

His successful story made him want to help others in the similar position and set up his own cannabis oil treatment.

He offers help to all cancer patients:

 “Because if you have access to any kind of cannabis, I can give you links on my site to show you how to do this in your own kitchen and save your life.”

Source: www.trueactivist.com