6 Reasons Why You Need To Start Drinking Ginger Tea And How To Prepare It The Right Way

Ginger tea is extremely healthy to your health, here are six reasons why you should make it a part of your dietary plan.

1. It Has Anti-inflammatory Properties

With chronic inflammation you stand the risk of having numerous health concerns such as arthritis, gout, rheumatism, diabetes, autoimmune disease, cardiovascular problems, respiratory issues and Alzheimer’s disease.

Ginger tea is great for reducing inflammation as it has very potent anti-inflammatory properties.

2. It Will Help To Boost Your Immunity

Ginger tea contains gingerols and gingerdiol, which are immune-boosting compounds. Moreover, it strengthens the immune system due to its antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. Regular consumption of ginger tea will prevent infections and flu.

3. It Will Help Provide Relief From Digestive Problems

Among its many benefits we must include the ability to help with digestive problems and improve the digestive function overall. These benefits come from gingerols and shogaol which also increase nutrient absorption.

Ginger can help with constipation, gastric lesions, bloating, nausea, vomiting, cramps and diarrhea, among others digestive problems.

4. Improves circulation

Ginger keeps your blood flowing normally by fighting markers of cardiovascular disease, like high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

It also prevents stroke and heart attack by clearing away arterial plaque, a sticky mix of fatty substances and calcium which builds up in the lining of the artery wall and restricts blood flow.

5. Fights cancer

We already mentioned its strong anti-inflammatory powers which enable it to work against cancer cells, stopping their proliferation and metastasis. Studies have shown ginger to be effective against a number of cancer types such as lymphoma, liver, prostate, pancreas, lung, colorectal, breast, skin and bladder cancer.

6. Improves brain function

This amazing tea will boost your memory, improve the concentration and the cognitive abilities. Moreover, it protects the brain health from inflammation, stress, and apoptosis.

How To Prepare Ginger-Tea


– Ginger – 4 or 6 slices
– Pure natural honey
– Water – 1 cup

Boil the water then add your ginger slices as well. For 15 minutes allow it to simmer, let it cool at room temperature then add some pure natural honey for taste.
