8 Signs of Thyroid Dysfunction That Over 12 MILLION People Ignore Each and Every Day

You should know it!

Given that the thyroid gland produces a wide array of hormones, it affects nearly all of the metabolic processes within the body. Thyroid disorders can be mild, such as goiter or enlarged gland, to cancer. Insufficient hormone production causes hypothyroidism while too much thyroid production is known as hyperthyroidism. It is estimated that under-active thyroid, known as hypothyroidism, is to blame for about 99 percent of all thyroid related issues.

The Thyroid gland, the small gland at the base of the neck, is responsible for the metabolism, the rate at which cells convert food into energy. This means that the energy levels will suffer if your thyroid gland is not functioning correctly.

Causes of Hypothyroidism
Removal of the thyroid gland: The thyroid may have been destroyed chemically or removed via a surgery.
Hashimoto`s thyroiditis: This autoimmune disorder is characterized by insufficient hormone production as the body attacks thyroid tissue, which eventually dies off.
Lithium: This drug is suspected to be a cause of hypothyroidism.
Excessive exposure to iodide: Certain dyes, amiodarone, or cold and sinus medications can expose you to too much iodine, which increases the risk for hypothyroidism.

Causes of Hyperthyroidism
Toxic adenomas: When nodules develop in the thyroid gland, it starts releasing too much hormones and disrupting body`s balance
Subacute thyroiditis: The inflammation of the thyroid causes it to lead excess hormones
Grave`s disease: Manifested by excessive production of thyroid hormone
Pituitary gland malfunctions or cancerous growths in the thyroid gland: Hyperthyroidism can also be caused by these factors.
Signs of Thyroid Dysfunction
Constantly feeling cold, having cold hands and feet
Hair and skin changes like excessive hair loss, brittle nails and dry, cracking skin
Bowel problems like constipation or diarrhea
Weight gain or the inability to lose weight
Mood swings, anxiety, depression and other mood related issues
Fatigue, even after sleeping 8+ hours at night
Low sex drive, PMS, irregular periods and infertility – all signs of female hormone imbalance
Poor concentration, brain fog and inability to focus

How to Determine if your Thyroid is the Cause
It is recommended that all patients with these symptoms do the following lab tests in order to determine if their thyroid is functioning properly:
Thyroid Binding Globulin (Protein that binds to Thyroid Hormone)
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPO Ab)
Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TGB Ab)
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
Free T4 (Inactive Thyroid Hormone)
Free T3 (Active Thyroid Hormone)
Reverse-T3 (Inactivated Thyroid Hormone)

Even if your levels appear normal, they may not be in the ideal range. Therefore, it is recommended to find the underlying cause of why your levels are not optimal.