8 Symptoms of Meningitis That Every Parent Should Know About

Here are the early indications of meningitis:

Meningitis has a more serious kind and that is the bacterial meningitis. It can lead t permanent disability or death. It is considered as a high level medical emergency.

The meninges which are the membranes that are around the spinal cord and the brain and have the function to protect the central nervous system –CNS, with the cerebrospinal fluid, are affected by meningitis.

The death rate of bacterial meningitis in 2006 was 34%, and long-term side-effects were experienced after recovery in 50% of the patients.

Bacterial meningitis can be a result of different types of bacteria, such as Group B Streptococcus and Streptococcus pneumoniae (S. pneumonia).

There are also other different types of meningitis such as non-infectious, parasitic, fungal, and viral meningitis, but the most serious one is the bacterial meningitis.

Everybody needs to be informed about meningitis

From 2003 to 2007, there were about 4,100 people affected by meningitis, and 500 of them were lethal, in the United States only.

The second most frequent type of meningitis and also the most serious one is bacterial meningitis.

Children have a higher danger of bacterial meningitis, and it spreads very easy and quickly in areas where people gather, like college campuses.

The early indications of this type of meningitis are increased sensitivity to light, vomiting, headache, fever, confusion, nausea, and stiff neck. So it is needed to get medical help as soon as possible.

Reasons and risk factors

The inflammation of the meninges that protect the brain is called meningitis.

Various types of bacteria can lead to development of bacterial meningitis, such as:

  • Neisseria meningitides (N. meningitides)
  • Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes
  • Haemophilus influenzae (H. influenzae) type B (Hib)
  • Group B Streptococcus
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae (S. pneumonia)

Different strains can affect people at different ages.

Meningitis is caused by bacteria which gat get from one individual then onto the accompanying, for instance, through spots in hacks and wheezes or through spit or saliva. A few sorts can spread through food.

Group B streptococcus can go from moms to babies amidst birth.

Some people are transporters. They carry the bacteria, regardless they don’t show up any indication. Living in a house with either a transporter or some individual who has meningitis develops the risk.

Hazard factors

Bacterial meningitis can occur at any age, yet newborn child youths are more prone to it.

Different elements that expansion the risk include:

  • an infection in the head or neck area
  • living in or flying out to specific domains, for example, sub-Saharan Africa
  • working in labs and differing settings where meningitis pathogens are open
  • an anatomical imperfection or trauma for example, a skull break, and a few sorts of surgery, if these
  • engage a course for microorganisms to enter the nervous system
  • spending time in big groups, for instance, at college or school
  • having a debilitated immune system, because of a treatment or medical condition

Recurrent bacterial meningitis is conceivable yet not very frequent. Analysis discover that 59 percent of sporadic cases are an aftereffect of anatomical deformations, and 36 percent happen in individuals with a weakened safe structure.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state that the indications of meningitis can start to show over several days or suddenly. They usually appear in 3 to 7 days after the infection.

Here are the early indications of meningitis:

  1. fever
  2. muscle pain
  3. confusion
  4. in some cases, a rash that does not fade under pressure
  5. nausea and vomiting
  6. headache and a stiff neck
  7. sensitivity to light
  8. cold hands or feet and mottled skin

Seizures and coma are the later indications.

Children can:

  • refuse feeds and be irritable
  • be stiff, with jerky movements, or listless and floppy
  • breathe quickly
  • cry excessively, or give a high-pitched moan

The fontanelle could be bulging.

Meningitis rash glass test

In case when blood leaks in the tissue under the skin, that is when a meningitis rash happens.

At the beginning it can happen in just several little spots on the body, and after that spread quickly and appear just like fresh bruises.

Identification of meningeal rash can be done with a glass test.

  1. Take a drinking glass and press one side on the rash firmly.
  2. In case the rash loses the color and fades under the pressure, then it is not a meningitis rash.
  3. In case it stays the same, then visit a specialist as soon as possible.

The spots or rash can also fade and then return again.


Treating bacterial meningitis usually happens by staying in the hospital, and in some cases at the unit for intensive care. Here are some of the common treatments:

  • Corticosteroids: These might be given if disturbance is resulting with pressure in the cerebrum, yet thinks about show clashing outcomes.
  • Anticonvulsants: In case the patient experiences seizures, an anticonvulsant, for example, phenobarbital or Dilantin, might be upheld.
  • Fluids: Intravenous liquids can hinder lack of hydration, particularly if the patient can’t drink or is vomiting.
  • Sedatives: These will quiet the patient in the event that they are restless or irritable.
  • Antibiotics: These are frequently received intravenously.
  • Acetaminophen, or paracetamol: Combined with cool wipe showers, room ventilation, cooling cushions, and liquids, these decreasing fever.
  • Oxygen treatment: Oxygen will be controlled to help with breathing.

Blood tests might be utilized to screen the patient’s levels of glucose, sodium, and other essential chemicals.

What can we do in order to relieve the symptoms?

Editor’s note: we can also use numerous natural treatments in order to relieve the symptoms of meningitis while the sufferer is being treated by the medical team. You must first consult a doctor about beginning with some natural treatments on your own. Here are some simple methods that can offer temporary relief:

  1. A lot of rest
  2. Ginger tea can assist in making you hydrated and also relieve body torment (and also help with nausea)
  3. Cool washcloths can help lower the fever when put on the forehead
  4. Coconut water can hinder dehydration and hinder the loss of electrolytes
  5. An essential massage with cayenne oil, peppermint oil, or cinnamon oil combined with some carrier oil can help with muscle torment

In order to hinder the spread of meningitis and different illnesses, it is highly significant to keep a proper hygiene, like washing the hand often. Knowing all the symptoms and signs of bacterial meningitis can make things easier to take the needed actions. In case of young children, you need to talk to a specialist in order to inform you about the measures to lower the risk of getting meningitis before it happens.

Source: www.healthy-holistic-living.com