8 Things That Happen When You Drink Honey Water on an Empty Stomach

Honey is already famous for being so beneficial to your health. But drinking it in warm water is even better!

Honey is far from a new trend. Humans have been aware of its many nutritional properties for as long as our kind has existed, even before the dawn of the earliest civilizations.

However, even to this day, we are not aware of just how many nutritional and health benefits it can offer.

In this particular case, we’ll be discussing the amazing healing properties of honey when combined with water.

How to Make This Drink

Nothing simpler. Its name says it all: Honeywater. The two ingredients are honey and water!


  • 1 tbsp. of honey
  • 1 cup of lukewarm water

If you can, it’s best to use Manuka Honey.

How to Prepare It:

Put the tablespoon of honey in the cup of warm water. Mix it until you get one-third of honey mixture. It should be about as dense as blood plasma. Your body doesn’t take long to process this type of mixture.

It is a wonderful mixture which offers many healing abilities.

Combining honey with cinnamon or turmeric is also a terrific idea, and you can be sure you’ll be doing your health a favor.

Get Ready for the Count Off

1. Those suffering from a cold or fever should turn to this mixture since it can eliminate the mucus which gathers in your lungs.

2. It protects your digestive system from any parasites and stops any bleeding in there.

3. It’s an excellent immunity booster, can ease a cold (as was previously mentioned) and is truly efficient when it comes to any problems concerning bronchitis.

4. There is a chance that you will notice a slight increase in your waistline after a few days of consuming this natural healing mixture. But have no fear! This has absolutely nothing to do with weight gain.

What it is, is the result of your fecal sediments swelling and becoming softer at the same time. This process lasts for a short time, and then your waistline will go back to the way it was.

5. This mixture can boast with strong antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal abilities.

6. It clears your body and intestines from all the toxin deposits.

7. People who complain from the issue of uncontrolled urination during nighttime will also benefit greatly from this drink. Honey has the magnificent ability to absorb the water from your kidneys, which eases the load on them and improves their health.

8. It gives your skin a radiant glow, making its texture silkier and giving you an overall younger appearance.

How to Consume this Mixture?

It is of crucial importance to consume the honey water first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. This way, not only will you avoid any potential problems but you will also reap the most benefits.

It is most effective that way, just remember to also drink it very quickly. But you won’t do any harm to yourself if you decide to also consume this potion before going to bed. Higher quality sleep is sure to follow.

It is best to prepare this recipe right before consuming it.

And there you have it. Easy, right? And oh-SO beneficial to your general health.

Source Losing Weight Done