8 Ways to Use Aloe Vera Gel for Skin and Hair

Amazing results!

Aloe vera gel goes back to Greek and Egyptian civilizations, is best known for the wonders it does on the skin and hair, promotes hair growth and can also help you say goodbye to acne, wrinkles and unpleasant tan by Neglect of so much sun exposure. Aloe vera gel was considered by the Greeks as the universal panacea while the Egyptians called it the plant of immortality. He is able to help in the treatment of burns, psoriasis , diabetes, constipation and dental caries.

8 ways to use Aloe Vera gel to improve your skin and hair

1. Use it as a hair package for hair growth:
if you normally worry about hair loss, aloe vera gel will be of great help to you as it does wonders. The aloe vera gel is able to stimulate the natural growth of new hair follicles and even strengthens existing ones. To enjoy this benefit you should only mix it with castor oil, use 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel and 1 castor oil , apply it on the scalp and massage it for 2-3 minutes, then wash your hair with the shampoo you normally use . In case you do not like the castor oil you can substitute it with olive oil.

2. Aloe Vera as a hair conditioner:
using it as a conditioner will make it possible to get rid of dry and rough hair, you can apply it directly to the hair or you can mix it with 2 tablespoons honey and 1 avocado puree, by mixing them evenly you can apply it to leather Hairy Cover your hair with a swimming cap and wash it after 10-15 minutes, feel your hair softer and give you healthy growth.

3. Uses aloe vera gel as anti-aging mask:
it is also very effective in combating wrinkles, in fact, it has been proven that aloe vera gel has anti-aging properties . You can use it as a mask for this purpose and for this you should only have: 3-4 tablespoons of almond paste, mix all these ingredients properly and then apply it on your previously cleaned skin, let it act until completely dry and wash with plenty of water Cold

4. Eliminate Acne:
Acne is suffered by most teenagers but adults do not get rid of it either, however with aloe vera gel you will not have to worry about it as it will help you get rid of it completely , apply it On your face and let it act until it dries, then wash your face with enough cold water, after 1 week you will observe the results.

5. Help to eliminate the bad tan:
with the aloe vera you can get rid of the bad tan, take some aloe vera gel, mix it with a few drops of lemon juice and apply the mixture on your face and neck, let it act for 10- 15 minutes, wash face with cold or lukewarm water.

-If you have a history of skin diseases, it is preferable to avoid using aloe vera
-Always be sure to consult with a professional doctor before you start using aloe vera.