9 Health Conditions That Lemon Helps To Improve

Pay attention to all these uses that you can give lemon and that can help you improve your face and the overall physical appearance.

Much has been said about how beneficial lemon is combined with other ingredients to alkalize the body, cleanse the liver and eliminate toxins but we have explained little about other uses that go beyond ingestion and that can be applied externally.

In this case, the beneficiaries are the skin, hair, and nails.

Pay attention to all these uses that you can give lemon and that can help you improve your face and the overall physical appearance.

Before recommending the use of lemon for the skin it is important to emphasize that if after applying it you expose yourself to the sun it is very likely but very likely that your skin will be stained.

We make this recommendation very special because the lemon is a wonderful superfood and with many benefits, but it is capable of altering the pigmentation of the skin.

Lemon Benefits:

1) Ideal for the skin: If you have oily skin the lemon is the answer to your pleas because its excellent astringent properties will be useful to cleanse that grease that gives off the skin of your face and that makes it always have a shiny appearance. The lemon cleanses and gives health to your skin improving your face in its general appearance. Mix the juice of half a lemon with a spoonful of sugar and apply with your fingers massaging for 15 minutes so that its properties penetrate the skin at the same time you perform an exfoliation. Finally, wash your face with warm water and apply a moisturizer.

2) Removes underarm spots: Many women find that over time the armpits are acquiring a color that is difficult to eliminate. Nobody likes to wear a sleeveless garment and have these shadows under the arms. To help you in this regard prepare the following homemade trick: mix two tablespoons of oatmeal or simply the ground oats with a spoonful of honey and the juice of a lemon. Mix well this preparation and apply in the armpits leaving to act for at least one hour. Then, wash with warm water. Repeat this home treatment every time you can until the spots disappear.

3) Extract blackheads: The lemon juice along with an aspirin will help you get rid of those annoying and unpleasant pimples that are difficult to eliminate. Prepare a paste with a ground aspirin and amount of lemon juice and apply only on pimples and acne breakouts. It is preferable to perform this treatment at night to act while you sleep. In the morning, wash normally.

4) Cracked lips: Climatic conditions such as cold or heat crack lips but at the same time can be the result of lack of moisture. Apply lemon juice on your lips at night and you will see how little by little the cracks are closed by the effects of hydration making them look wonderful.

5) Clarify the hair: Reflections on the hair do not hurt anyone. Nothing better than the natural to give a touch of light to your hair without using chemicals that damage it and can even affect your skin. Apply lemon juice by strands or as you want to distribute your natural reflexes and expose your hair to the sun for about an hour. For no reason let the wet hair with lemon touch your face. Then, wash normally and enjoy your natural reflexes.

6) Whiten teeth: While there are many treatments or even products offered at the pharmacy to whiten teeth, we suggest you first try this natural recipe. Brush your teeth with a mixture of lemon juice with baking soda at least once a day. After a week you will notice some changes but it is important to be constant to obtain notorious results.

7) Nail care: Many times the nails usually take a yellowish color that we definitely do not like at all. To make it disappear simply dip your fingers for 15 minutes in lemon juice. This will not only help remove the yellowish spots but will also strengthen your nails and eliminate the fungus.

8) A sore throat: The flu, a cold or angina are anticipated with a sore throat. When we begin to feel that itching characteristic of respiratory diseases we know that we are about to catch a cold. Nothing better than gargling with lemon and water for a few days to relieve discomfort and disinfect the respiratory tract.

9) Thrush in the mouth: Who did not have to struggle with a painful thrush in the mouth? These canker sores do not allow you to eat and even depending on where they are located they can make it difficult to talk. This is something that we want to eliminate immediately. We know that it can be a bit painful because lemon juice is a natural astringent that can cause burning but at the same time, this same property will make it possible to cure your canker sores. Apply lemon juice three times a day to finish as soon as possible with these sores in the mouth.

10) Eliminates dandruff: A mixture of lemon juice, honey, olive oil and coconut oil in equal parts are the ideal remedy to end the problem of dandruff. This will hydrate your scalp and eliminate the microbe that generates it.

Every time we find more uses for lemon, a superfood that never ceases to amaze. Apply to all this knowledge to avoid having to resort to chemical products trusting that the natural is always better.
