A Glass Of Celery Juice Lowers Hypertension, Sugar Levels, Reduces Arthritis And Gout Pain Almost Instantly

Health Benefits of Celery

A relative to parsley and fennel, Celery is a versatile vegetable that is abundant with vital nutrients. Its ribs are crunchy and are used to make salad or soup. It has a salty taste, so if you want to juice it, make sure to combine it with sweeter fruit juices.

Nutritional Benefits

Celery leaves are rich in vitamin A while its stems have a high content of vitamins B1, B2, B6, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, folate and essential amino acids.

Celery juice contains nutrients which aid bowel movements. There is natural organic sodium found in celery which is completely safe for consumption, unlike the table salt which can cause some side effects for individuals suffering from high blood pressure.

The process of cooking can make some foods lose their nutrients, which is not the case with celery.

Health Benefits of Celery

Acidity: This super-healthy juice contains important minerals that can neutralize acidity and balance the body’s blood pH.

Athletes:  Due to its high content of minerals, celery juice has the ability to replace the lost electrolytes and rehydrate the body. It can be used as a post-workout drink.

Blood Pressure: Celery contains organic sodium that will reduce your blood pressure. The regular consumption of celery juice can be very beneficial for lowering blood pressure. Celery contains phtalides, a compound that can relax the muscle around arteries, dilate the vessels and improve your blood flow. In order to obtain the best results, drink the juice for 1 week, make a break for 3 weeks then start over.

Cancer:  Celery contains anti-cancer compounds, including acetylenic that can effectively prevent the growth of tumor cells. It is packed with phenolic acids which block the action of prostaglandins that can only encourage the growth of tumor cells.

Cholesterol:  It has been shown that this juice can significantly lower your bad cholesterol.

Colon and stomach cancer:  Celery contains phytochemical coumarins that can prevent the formation and development of colon and stomach cancer.

Constipation:  Celery has a natural laxative effect and can effectively relieve constipation. Moreover, it can relax your nerves that have been overworked by laxatives.

Cooling:  This juice is perfect for dry and hot days. Drink a glass of celery juice 2-3 times a day between your meals in order to normalize your body temperature.

Diuretic: Due to its high content of potassium and sodium, celery juice can regulate body fluid and stimulate urine production, thus eliminating the excess fluid.

Inflammation:  Celery is packed with polyacetylene which provides relief in the case of asthma, bronchitis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and osteoarthritis.

Kidney function:  Celery has the ability to eliminate toxins from the body, thus promoting a proper function of the kidneys. What is more, it prevents the formation of kidney stones.

Nervous system: It contains organic alkaline minerals which have a calming effect on the nervous system. Therefore, this juice is great for insomniacs.

Weight loss:  Celery juice can prevent your cravings for sweets and rich foods. Hence, make sure to drink it throughout the day.

Urinary stones, breaking of:  Celery juice has potent diuretic properties and can break down and eliminate urinary and gallbladder stones.

Consumption Tips

Always choose green celery as it is packed with chlorophyll. Its ribs should not be limp, but firm. Wrap it in a plastic bag or place it in a sealed container and store it in the fridge. It is very important not to leave it at room temperature because it will wilt. In a case your celery has wilted, you should sprinkle it with water and place it in the fridge for a few hours.


As a succulent plant, celery can protect itself from fungi by producing its own “pesticide”. In fact, this protective layer is known as psoralens and can cause health complications for some people.

If you experience skin issues after eating celery, this means that you may be sensitive to psoralens.

Some individuals with low blood pressure claim that celery made their blood pressure even lower. However, make sure to listen to your body in order to find out how it reacts when you eat celery!

Source: Moving To Organic