A Glass Of Parsnip Juice A Day For A Week Will Stop Asthma, Sinus,k Wheezing And Emphysema

Let’s take a closer look at this biennial plant!

Parsnips are so much more than pale carrots. Even though this vegetable is closely related to carrots and parsley, the parsnip is a slightly different root vegetable.

It originates from Eurasia and has been one of the main foods in their diet since the ancient times. The traditional Chinese medicine used its roots as a remedy.

Like all other vegetables, the parsnip has its own nutrients that provide many health benefits. The thing is that this vegetable is not given attention even though it is equally healthy like the others. In other words, this vegetable should not be taken for granted. It offers plenty of nutrients and benefits, so let’s take a closer look at this biennial plant!

Nutritional Benefits

Parsnips are an excellent source of magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, phosphorous, folate, and zinc. It is also packed with fiber and vitamins B, C, E, and K. Hence, this nutritious food is something you don’t want to miss. Just like carrots, parsnips are an amazing crunchy vegetable. It can be consumed as a snack that is a super-healthy alternative to junk foods.

Health Benefits

Anemia and blood health:  Parsnip contains iron, vitamin B9 and C, all of which are essential for building your blood and preventing anemia. The regular consumption of parsnips, particularly for women, will prevent anemia and provide essential nutrients for your body, without causing side effects.

Anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties: According to a recent study done by the University of Newcastle, England, this vegetable possesses potent anti-inflammatory properties and has the ability to reduce your risk of colon cancer.  Falcarindiol is the active compound in this vegetable. This component is known for its capability to destroy cancer cells in the colon.

Blood sugar levels:  Parsnips can effectively control blood sugar levels and reduce cholesterol. This vegetable is great for diabetics since it can lower their blood sugar level.

Bones and teeth health:  When it comes to strong bones and teeth, calcium is a mineral is an extremely important mineral for maintaining their optimal health. Parsnips are a great source of calcium and magnesium which helps the proper absorption of calcium for strengthening your bones.

Cardiovascular health:  Due to its high content of vitamin K and folate, parsnips have the ability to prevent cardiovascular diseases including stroke, atherosclerosis, and other coronary complications

Immune system and gut health:  Parsnips are a beneficial food that contains all the nutrients essential for strengthening the immune system and improving gut health.

Respiratory health:  Just like carrots, the parsnip is packed with carotenoids that can heal the respiratory system. The regular consumption of parsnip juice can relieve asthma, symptoms of emphysema, wheezing, and respiratory infections. Juice parsnips and pears and drink this juice every day for one week and you will experience significant improvements!

Skin health:  By juicing parsnip, you can enjoy all the benefits that this vegetable offers. It provides vitamin C that can repair skin cells and prevent skin aging.

Consumption Tips

As a starchy vegetable, parsnip tastes a bit spiced, woody and earthy. You can consume it raw or juice it. It is recommended to juice it with green apples or pears and consume this as the first thing in the morning because it is a powerful energy-booster!  If you prefer it cooked, you should lightly steam parsnip. Make sure not to peel the skin until slightly tender. Then, you can peel off the skin and use it in your cooking!

Cautionary Note:

People who are taking medications are not recommended to take parsnip since it can interact with certain medications.

Source: Juicing For Health