A Mother’s Song – If You Have A Son You Will Love This

This song gets me everytime. Soo happy to say my “boys” have always made me proud to have the opportunity to be their mom💕

A mother’s love for her son is something no one can understand but a mom. It’s a consuming, life-long love that cannot be broken.

As a mother raises her son, she watches him grow into a man she never could have imagined. Her hard work and tireless nights pay off, as he blossoms into a kind, caring, compassionate man. From training wheels to his first car, she is with him every step of the way.

But as time goes on, and he grows up, it’s time for him to meet someone new. Giving her son away on his wedding day is a bittersweet moment for a mom. It’s time to watch him give the ultimate gift, a stable life for the person he loves.

Mother-son dances are always emotional for that reason. A mom just wants one last hug before her little boy belongs to someone else.

This song is the perfect way to start a new chapter.

My friend danced to this song with her son at his wedding this year. Guess what? There wasn’t a dry eye in the house. I sobbed through the entire dance. After it was over, my girlfriends and I we were all talking about how perfect the song choice was and how much it resonated with all of us. With such a tender melody it’s sure to tug at the heartstrings of even the most stoic. It truly had all of us taking a stroll down memory lane. With 8 million YouTube views and countless heartfelt testimonies, please take a listen and let me know what you think about it.


Tying little shoe laces

Wiping off dirty faces

Are just a couple of things

That a mother will do…

Mending a broken heart

Is only just a part

Of the care and the love

That I’ve given you…

With a Kool-Aid smile

And a sparkle in your eyes

I wrap you in my arms

And whisper this advice…

Be strong, be kindBe patient and in time

Youll find out, my son

What true love is all about

Be faithful and be true

Show love in all you do

Then you’ll know, just how

You make your mother proud

Now, little boy days have passed

And you’ve grown up so fast

But in my heart

That little boy will never be far…

So on this blessed day

Theres so much I want to say

But above all, I thank God

For the man that you are…

With a tender smile

And a twinkle in your eyes

I wrap you in my arms

And whisper this advice…

Be strong, be kind

Be patient and in time

Youll find out, my son

What true love is all about

Be faithful and be true

Show love in all you do

Then you’ll know, just how

You make your mother proud

You’ve made your mother so proud…