A Teaspoon of This a Day Returns Memory, Protects Arteries and Much More Than That

The millennial Ginseng is really a natural remedy that should always be within reach!

Ginseng is a very special root and casually has the appearance of a human being in miniature, is recognized worldwide as a magnificent energizer, the most common are American and Korean ginseng.

This remedy can be found in herb shops, naturist pharmacies or simply in the market in its original version.

Some of the virtues of Ginseng are:

– Provides the body with vitamin B1, B2, E and C, iron, manganese, and calcium
– Natural anti-inflammatory
– Activates blood circulation
– Increases memory and slows down its progressive loss
– Dissolves blood clots
– Relieves headaches
– It is protective of arteries with weakness
– It stimulates the brain, prevents its micro-infarctS
– Ginseng is also used to improve concentration.
– Helps to meet work efficiency, ideal for people working.
– It is used for depression, anxiety, stress, and to improve mood.
– It is used as a coadjuvant for the treatment of breast cancer, pulmonary liver and skin cancer.
– It is recommended anemia, diabetes, gastritis, asthma, fibromyalgia, insomnia, joint pain, etc.

The popular remedy to strengthen memory:

It is recommended to take 120 mg daily for memory loss divided into 3 doses of 40.

After 1 hour, the powerful effects of the substance of Ginseng are felt in the brain. This has been demonstrated with electroencephalograms.

It is also effective in cases of Alzheimer’s, and also in cases of Senile Dementia.


Do not administer to children under 18 years of age.  It is not advisable to take it at night before going to sleep.