After Her Mother Squeezed A Blackhead On Her Nose, 10-Year-Old Is Fighting For Her Life

When a 10-year-old girl developed some blemishes on her skin, “her mother squeezed her blackheads with unclean hands.” But this turned out to be a horrible mistake.

When a 10-year-old girl developed some blemishes on her skin, “her mother squeezed her blackheads with unclean hands.” But this turned out to be a horrible mistake. The young girl from China developed an MRSA infection and needed to be rushed to the emergency room. When doctors took a closer look, they decided that only one thing could be done. The girl required emergency open brain surgery. Part of her skull was removed, and doctors started working on her brain. And this tragedy happened all because her mother popped her blackheads with dirty hands.

The 10-year-old girl was rushed to the hospital on Monday. And as she was taken in, she was nearly unconscious. When symptoms first started appearing, her family believed she had the flu. But when things took a turn for the worst, they worried that they were wrong. That’s when they rushed her to the hospital.

After asking some questions, the doctors were able to point to the cause of this young girl’s near-death experience. It was her mother’s dirty hands.

When the mother popped the blackheads on the girl’s nose, they became infected. The serious bacterial infection reached the girl’s bloodstream and traveled to her brain, doctors from Guangzhou in southern China said.

The 10-year-old girl was named Xiao Mei. More than eight milliliters of pus was taken from her brain along with an abscess. The procedure took five hours, the Guangzhou Daily reported.

The abscess, which was inflamed tissue, was found under the girl’s right temporal lobe. It measured 4.5 cm long, 3.5 cm wide, and 3 cm thick. That is a significant flaw in the small child’s brain.

The temporal lobe is a major part of the brain. It is one of four major lobes and is found beneath the frontal lobe.

Xiang Yongshegn is a neurosurgeon at The First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University in Guangzhou. He worked on the girl’s case and said she was nearly unconscious when she got to the hospital.

Xiang measured the pressure inside the girl’s skull to be “very high.” She suffered symptoms that mirror those in an early stage of brain herniation.

The pus and other tissue that had gathered in the brain was a result of the bacterial infection.

Doctors rushed the girl into surgery after realizing the seriousness of her condition through an MRI exam.

About two weeks ago, the girl’s family said she started suffering from flu-like symptoms. She reported fever, drowsiness, and dizziness. Because the flu was going through the school, they thought that was all it was. Plus, they got the girl an initial medical consultation, which confirmed their hypothesis that it was just the flu.

When she started to get sicker, they grew worried. A headache came on, and she started vomiting. For three days, the 10-year-old did not have an appetite for food. The family decided to take her to a bigger hospital.

According to NHS, MRSA is a bacterial that is resistant to antibiotics. It’s harder to treat than other infections.

The girl is reportedly on her way to a full recovery.

Make sure to wash your hands frequently.
