Almost 50% of Chronic Ailments Could be Healed if People Understood this Syndrome

Amazing results!

Did you know that Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS) is the root cause of countless health issues? As a matter of fact, it is said to be the cause of up to 50 percent of chronic medical issues.

Leaky gut syndrome has been claimed to be a potential factor in:
Food allergies
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Fungal disorders
Type 1 diabetes
Irritable bowel syndrome
Rheumatoid arthritis

Simply put, leaky gut syndrome weakens the system and makes it more susceptible to various health issues.

Here’s How LGS Happens…
The walls of a fully-functioning and healthy gut are permeable in order to support nutrient absorption. This means that they are just permeable enough to allow small molecules to pass. But, there are conditions that cause tight areas in the intestinal wall to disassemble and let bigger molecules to pass through, including microbial toxins and metabolic waste.

Factors that can lead to this problem include:
Excessive consumption of inflammatory foods such as dairy, sugar, and alcohol
Use of antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Infections like candida, intestinal parasites, and small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
Gluten sensitivity
So what do you do if you suspect you’re suffering from LGS?
First and foremost, you need to eliminate foods that irritate the gut from your diet.

The major culprits include:
Legumes—especially soy
Processed and canned foods
Seed oils (these are high in omega-6 oils, the overconsumption of which can lead to inflammatory disease)
Sugars and sweeteners

The next step involves eating foods that are healing to the gut. One of the best is bone broth, which has amazing intestinal healing power.

Other healing foods include:
Meats (grass-fed is best—avoid factory-farmed)
Most vegetables other than those listed above
Fermented foods
Herbal teas
Low glycemic fruits
Olives and olive oil
Coconut oil

It is also recommended to take a strong probiotic in order to supply the system with beneficial bacteria. And, there are various supplements that are quite beneficial when it comes to healing a leaky gut, such as fiber, NAG, L-glutamine, collagen powder, enzymes, and licorice root.

It is important to clarify that healing leaky gut syndrome is an individual process, so it cannot be said with certainty how long will it take. It might take from a few months to a few years. Most importantly, it requires commitment, patience, and diligence!

As the saying goes “all disease begins in the gut”… Well, luckily, that optimal health begins there as well.