Acne is the most common skin disorder in the United States. It is estimated that acne affects 40-50 million people across the nation. So, it is not surprising that acne treatment is a billion dollar industry for Big Pharma.
However, most commercial acne creams contain harmful chemicals, and can only worsen your problem. Hence, always opt to use natural remedies. Two foods found in nature – Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil can provide incredible results in the treatment of acne. What is more, they do not come with side effects!
Aloe Vera
There are many reasons why Aloe Vera can be found in various cosmetic products. Characterized by its green, spear-shaped leaves, this succulent and mucilaginous plant can heal and rejuvenate the skin. It is an effective remedy for treating skin problems such as psoriasis, eczema, rashes and burns.
According to a study published in the Journal of Dermatological Treatment, Aloe Vera can provide positive results in the case of acne. The study included a group of 60 subjects suffering from mild to moderate acne. Over an eight-week trial period, they were treated with a formulation of tretinoin cream and aloe vera topical gel or tretinoin cream and a placebo. The results showed that the combination of tretinoin cream and Aloe Vera gel was significantly more effective than tretinoin cream and a placebo.
To treat acne, just apply some Aloe Vera gel onto the affected area every day. Aloe Vera gel will reduce the swelling, inflammation, and redness related to acne and will prevent future outbreaks.
Coconut oil
Just like Aloe Vera, Coconut oil is popular for its potent skin-boosting properties. It is widely used as an anti-aging cream, lip gel, natural sunblock, moisturizer and massage oil. It can effectively treat skin disorders and it has the ability to combat pimples, sores, rashes, blisters, etc.
Actually, coconut oil can improve any skin condition, including acne. A 2009 study showed that coconut oil is packed with lauric acid, a saturated fatty acid that has potent antibacterial properties. It is more effective than palmitic acid or oleic acid.
Moreover, lauric acid was shown to fuse with the membranes of P. acnes and release the carried lauric acid directly into the bacterial membranes, which in turn kills the bacteria effectively. Hence, the topical application of coconut oil can treat your acne effectively. In order to obtain the best results, you should use raw coconut oil. Make sure it is organic, cold-pressed and extra virgin.
Source: Healthy Food Team