Amazing Drink that Prevents Weight Gain and Stops Fat Accumulation In Blood

This the most effective remedy to get rid of obesity as it promotes quick weight loss.

Obesity is one of the major issue the US population is consistently facing nowadays. According to United States Military, obesity has become a national security issue. The estimated cost to treat diseases associated with obesity is more than $147 billion.

Eating right and doing regular exercise is one of the way to lose weight and get rid of obesity. But it is not the only way to fight the battle against obesity. Here is a simplest way to prevent excessive weight gain and stop the fat accumulation in the blood.

Things you need

  • Lemons- 5
  • Parsley sprigs- 5-6
  • Water- 3 liters
  • Baking soda- 1 tbsp

Things you have to do

  1. Take lemons and parsley sprigs and cut it into small pieces.
  2. Add it to the water and heat the mixture for 2 hours on low flame.
  3. Remove the heat and let the solution cool down for an hour.
  4. Now, strain the liquid and take out the ingredients.
  5. Again chop the ingredients thoroughly and add it to the same solution.
  6. Now,heat the solution for another 3 hours on low heat.
  7. At the end of the process you will get a syrup of 1 ½ liter.
  8. Store the syrup in the refrigerator and drink small shot glass of it each morning.
  9. Continue the remedy for 15 days. Don’t not carry forward it for more than 20 days.

Use this amazing drink to cut down the excessive fat in your body. This the most effective remedy to get rid of obesity as it promotes quick weight loss.
