Best Anti Aging Skin Care Treatment

Anti-aging secret revealed:

Many people dream of having flawless skin like the Korean beauties. If you ever go there, you will find none with a bad skin. Yet, their beauty industry constantly requires new methods and treatments that would ensure impeccable skin and effective skin issue treatments.

Yet, the health of their skin has been their obsession for centuries, and their multiple beauty treatments have been kept a secret for a long time.

Yet, we managed to get the recipe of one of these miraculous skin care remedies that will help you slow down aging, and get a healthy and glowing skin.

First of all, you should steam the face, to open up the pores and eliminate any dirt and debris accumulated in them. It will also remove grime and blackheads that eventually cause pimples. Moreover, steaming will boost blood circulation in the veins and it will provide a pink color to the cheeks, and a younger look of the skin.

This treatment involves one single ingredient- a ripe pineapple.

This tropical fruit offers fantastic benefits as it is a rich source of copper, potassium, manganese, dietary fibers, beta-carotene, and vitamins C, B1, B2, and B5. Manganese nourishes and boosts bones and connective tissues in the body. Additionally, it is high in antioxidants, which fight free radicals and prevent their damage to cells. Antioxidants prevent many diseases like heart diseases, and atherosclerosis, as well as many cancer types.

This healthy fruit has powerful anti-aging properties too.  It boosts the synthesis of collagen and makes the skin flexible and tight. The high amino acid and vitamin C content is highly beneficial for the skin as well, and treats pimples and acne.

Here is how to use pineapples and get the best anti-aging skin care remedy:

Cut the ripe pineapple into medium-sized cubes. Then, rub a cube over the face in a circular motion. The juice from the pineapple will enter the opened pores. Leave it to act for 10-15 minutes.

Afterward, just rinse the face with lukewarm water, or use a warm damp towel to clean it.

Repeat the treatment once or twice a month.

For more detailed instructions, watch the video below:
