Best Home Remedies for Cracked Heels

Try these simple home remedies to make your heel smooth so that you can step out in your favorite footwear in style.

If you have dry and cracked heels then that mean that you are not giving adequate attention to your body. If proper and timely action is not taken then the condition may worsen. It will impact your mobility and pain caused by cracked heels is the worst nightmares you would have ever experienced. The skin on the feet does not have any oil glands thus it is usually dry.

The cracks develop on the skin due to this dryness. Factors that trigger dryness include lack of miniaturization, pollution and medical issues like eczema or psoriasis. Another reason that causes dryness is the lack of blood circulation towards your heels due which skin near your heal do not get adequate blood and nutrients and thus skin cells around that area die. Before the things go worse, try these simple home remedies to make your heel smooth so that you can step out in your favorite footwear in style.

1. Paraffin Wax Remedy For Cracked Heels:

Paraffin wax is a petroleum product and it creates a barrier on your skin which helps in retention of the natural oil that is produced in your body.

How to use:

• Take one tablespoon of paraffin wax if you do not have wax then you can use candles as well
• Melt the wax with mustard oil or coconut oil
• Once the mixture cools down to apply it on cracked heels. Keep it for 3-4 hours and then wash it off with water. Do not use soap for washing off the mixture
• For more effective results apply the mixture at night and wear socks and sleep.
• To get the best results follow this procedure for 2 or 3 times in a week.
• Ensure that was is not very hot and if you have diabetes do not try this treatment

2. Honey Remedy For Cracked Heels:

Honey is a natural moisturizer and will provide the skin of your feet with moisture.

How to use:

• Take two tablespoons of honey
• Add one tablespoon of lemon juice to it
• Apply the mixture on your cracked feet
• Leave the mixture for about 2 hours
• After 2 hours soak your feet in lukewarm water for about 15 minutes
• Use gentle scrubber to remove the dead skin
• This procedure can be done daily if the cracked heels are severe otherwise once in a week is sufficient to keep your feet free of cracks.

3. Rice Flour Remedy For Cracked Heels:

Rice flour is a great exfoliate it removes dead cell and gives rich minerals like niacin and magnesium to your skin.

How to use

• Take 3 tablespoons of rice flour
• Add 1 teaspoon of honey
• Add 1/2 teaspoon of vinegar
• Soak your feet in lukewarm water for about 15 minutes
• Then apply the above mixture and gently scrub the mixture to remove dead skin cells from your feet

4. Olive Oil Remedy For Cracked Heels:

Olive oil has nourishing properties that nourish your skin. It is full of polyphenols which is powerful antioxidants and helps in retention of moisture.

How to use

• Take a cotton ball and dab it with olive oil
• Massage your feet with this oil for about 15 -20 minutes
• Then wear thick socks and leave it for 2 hours
• Wash off after 2 hours with water without using soap

5. Sesame Oil Remedy For Cracked Heels:

Sesame oil is rich in essential fatty acids like linoleic acid and palmitic acids. It is also loaded with antioxidants; therefore this oil gets easily absorbed into the skin, nourishes it from deep inside and promotes skin softness.

How to use:

• Best way to use Sesame oil is to apply sesame oil to your cracked heel after the shower.
• Massage sesame oil on your skin for about 10 minutes ensure that it gets completely absorbed by your skin.
• You can also mix sesame oil with vinegar for better results as vinegar will further help in removing dead skin cells
• This process can be made part of your daily regime

6. Coconut Oil Remedy For Cracked Heels:

Coconut oil is a very good moisturizer and it boosts regeneration of skin cells. It has the capacity to penetrate into deeper layers of skin.

How to use:

• Apply coconut oil liberally to your feet
• You can also add honey and Aloe Vera gel to oil and apply it on cracked heels
• This regime should be followed regularly.
• You can apply coconut oil before going to bed and wear thick socks.
• Once in the week, you can mix lemon juice or honey or Vaseline jelly in coconut oil for better results.

7. Mouthwash Remedy For Cracked Heels:

Mouthwash contains menthol and thyme which are a form of phytochemicals. This acts as antiseptic and soothes the skin

How to use:

• Take 1 cup of mouthwash
• Add one cup vinegar to it
• Add 4 cups of water to above mixture
• Soak your feet in this mixture for 20 minutes
• After you remove your feet from the soak use filer or pumice stone to gently rub the dead skin.
• Wash your feet with water make them dry and apply moisturizer
• If the cracks are deeper then follow this regime daily

8. Baking Soda Remedy For Cracked Heels:

Baking soda is a mild exfoliator. It helps in removing dead skin cells and clean pores.

How to use:

• Take 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda
• Add one tablespoon of water and few drops of coconut oil
• Use cotton swab to apply this mixture on your cracked heels
• This procedure should be done once in month excessive use of baking soda may dehydrate your skin

9. Epsom Salt Remedy For Cracked Heels:

Magnesium is required for proper nerve and enzyme functioning. Epsom salt is full of magnesium so it stimulates nerves and increases blood circulation.

How to use:

• Take 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt
• Mix it with 3 tablespoons of sea salt.
• Add a few drops of lavender oil to this mixture.
• Add this mixture to water and soak your feet in this mixture
• Gently scrub the dead skin with pumice stone and pat dry the feet
• In order to get better results repeat the process at least 3 times in a week.

10. Aloe Vera Remedy For Cracked Heels:

Aloe Vera is full of essential minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. It can moisturize the skin without making it greasy

How to use:

• Take two tablespoons of Aloe Vera Gel
• Mix it with one tablespoon honey, one tablespoon of coconut oil and one tablespoon of vinegar
• Soak your socks in this mixture
• Wear this soaked socks and wear one more pair of clean socks
• Keep this soaked socks overnight and wash your feet in the morning
• For better results perform this routine daily

11. Vitamin E Oil Remedy For Cracked Heels:

Vitamin E oil is full of antioxidants and it helps in neutralizing free radicals that are responsible for skin damage

How to use :

• Take one or two capsules of vitamin E
• Puncture them and directly apply the oil on cracked heels
• Massage in circular motion for about 10 minutes
• Wear clean socks after the application
• Wash with lukewarm water
• Alternatively, you can also mix the oil with olive oil or yogurt prior to application

Cracked heels are caused by many factors as discussed earlier. Therefore it is important to find out the reasons behind your cracked heels. According to the reason, remedies could be then applied. The above-mentioned remedies can be used both as a cure and preventive measure for the cracked heel. However, there are other reasons that lead to cracked heels.

Like many people develop crack heel due to continuously standing which develops pressure on heels and the skin cracks under this pressure. Same pressure also gets exerted on feet due to weight. Diabetes also causes cracked heels as uncontrolled blood sugar levels damage nerves of the feet, which leads to dry skin.

Therefore if the cracked heel is due to above-mentioned causes then apart from using above mentioned remedies you need to also work on the root cause of cracked heel. Always keep your feet moisturized, wear comfortable footwear, do not get into the activity that puts pressure on your heels, and keeps your feet always clean. Make it a habit to wear socks while going out of the house to avoid getting feet dirty. This will also prevent your feet from harmful effects of pollution. Regular care is the mantra to keep your feet healthy so that you can walk in style towards your goals.
