Boiled egg diet plan that will help you lose up to 22 lbs in just 14 days

Amazing results!

One of the healthiest breakfast foods to get you up and on the go in the morning is the boiled egg. It can help you lose up to ten kilograms in only two months. This diet also incorporates a lot of fat burning foods which are mixed into the menu perfectly to make it interesting and nutritious.

It will help you to blast away your excess kilograms in no time at all but you must make sure that you drink plenty of water whilst on this diet. You’ll start each day with a delicious high protein breakfast of eggs and you’ll continue to eat small portions of lean protein throughout the day.

Lean protein can be found in foods such as; chicken, fish and eggs. Other foods that you can eat freely on this diet include: mushrooms, grapefruit, spinach and broccoli.

An example of a day’s meals may look as follows:

Breakfast: 1 grapefruit and 2 boiled eggs

Lunch: 1/2 a roast chicken breast and broccoli

Dinner: 1 portion of fish and a green salad

Do not drink alcohol as this will do nothing but increase toxins and make you dehydrated. Alcohol draws the water out of your cells and can make you crave the unhealthy food that made you put on weight in the first place.

Avoid sugar and carbonated beverages even if they are listed as diet friendly on the can. The best things to drink are water or green tea, of course, as they are great for hydration and clearing the toxins out of your body.

Do not fry your food when you prepare your meals. The idea is to eat tasty lean protein and keep the fat and sugar content of your diet to a minimum; especially with regards to sugar. If you can avoid it completely it is better.If you feel nauseous, stop the diet program. Listen to your body and don’t overdo it; remember weight loss is a journey that requires patience.
