Castor Oil And Baking Soda For Treatment Of 24 Health Problems

Check out these 24 Castor Oil uses:

For years and years people have been using castor oil and baking soda as healing agents. Nowadays we are all acquainted with the numerous benefits of these organic products and frequently rely on them rather than medication for dealing with various medical conditions.

At times these products can even treat illnesses that normal medications can’t and hence comes the need for implementing holistic medicine which proposes the use of castor oil for treating a variety of health issues.

This oil boosts the blood circulation and when combined with baking soda it creates the most amazing coating.

The Castor Oil Coating

Combine the baking soda with some water and clean the area that requires attention. The following step is to get a bottle of warm water, castor oil, gauze, towel and foil.

Heat up the castor oil and let the gauze soak up the mixture. Place the gauze on the affected area and keep it covered with the foil. Place the bottle with hot water over it and towel-wrap it. Leave it like that for an hour. This is the procedure you have to do for the subsequent 40 days, each day.

Check out these 24 Castor Oil uses:

  • Heals cuts, wounds and bruises quickly
  • Massage the stomach with it to prevent pregnancy stretch marks
  • Place it on the throat if you are experiencing hoarseness
  • Get rid of face spots
  • Treat cataract by putting 1 drop of castor oil in the eye daily
  • In case of sprained ankle leave it overnight
  • Treats pilonidal cysts
  • For allergy use 5 drops early on an empty stomach
  • To prevent eye allergies rub the oil onto the eyelids before sleeping
  • For alcohol and nicotine addiction take a couple of drops of the oil
  • Massage the scalp for 20 minutes before shampooing for increased hair growth
  • To improve your hearing use couple of drops in the ears
  • Use 6-8 drops for 4 months to defeat tinnitus
  • Eliminate the lower back pain using castor coatings for 7 days
  • Apply coating for diarrhea
  • Eliminate warts by rubbing the oil for a month
  • Eliminate feet fungus with coatings
  • Eliminate the calcium deposits by massaging the soles
  • Eliminate moles by rubbing castor oil on for a month
  • Prepare coating to cure stomach hyperactivity
  • Reduces all types of swelling (ex. bee stings)
  • Beats hepatitis
  • In order to treat skin cancer combine the backing soda and the castor oil
  • To prevent snoring use coatings for 14 days
