Chemo Will Be Unnecessary If You Drink This Homemade Juice that Destroys Cancer Cells Very Effectively!

All natural

We strongly recommend that you try this juice. It is great for cancer patients, plus it eliminates the need to undergo chemo.

All you need is a few organic ingredients. Their combination creates an excellent formula that prevents the development of abnormal cancer cells.

Carrots are rich in carotenoids. These are natural antioxidants and immune modulators that protect cells from aging and cancer.

If your diet lacks carotenoids, you run at a higher risk of developing cancer.

The main power of antioxidants is to protect cells from free radical damage. Free radicals are actually single electrons that damage DNA. Body’s inability to repair his damage creates a perfect soil for cancer.

Carotenoids and vitamin A have the power to enhance the function of white blood cells, also called “natural killer cells.” This helps the immune system to fight numerous infections and cancer.

The beneficial effect of beta-carotene was first revealed in 1940s. Today, there are over 200 studies that confirm the positive effect of beta-carotene in the treatment of cancer.

A study conducted in Switzerland, in 1970, showed that men with low carotenoid levels in blood had a higher risk of death due to cancer. This study was done over the course of 12 years. Beta-carotene is also considered to protect epithelial tissues like lungs, throat, bladder, intestines, and colon.

In 1989, experts at the Washington University and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre outlined the connection between high beta-carotene intake and a reduced risk of cervical cancer rates.

Another British study involved frozen blood samples of 5004 women. The health of these women was monitored by St Barts for a few years. The study showed that women who did not have cancer had 50% more beta-carotene in their blood than women who were diagnosed with breast cancer.

The US Prostate Cancer Research Institute did several clinical trials on cervical, prostate, melanoma, and breast cancer, and the results showed that beta-carotene supplementation is more than recommended.

Parsley strengthens the immune system, eliminates toxins, and prevents free radical damage. It also provides strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential.

This herb is packed with powerful flavonoid compounds that offer a wide range of health benefits. Here are some of these compounds:

Apigenin and myricetin prevent the formation of tumor in lab animals. This applies to lung cancer specifically. Flavonoids are the reason why garlic is considered as chemo-protective food.

Imperatorin and isopimpinellin provide chemo-protective effect on breast, liver, and lung cancer.

Remember, regular consumption of this juice kills cancer cells, and regenerates tissues without the danger of chemical agents.

You can also drink one dose of the juice during the day to prevent cancer.

If you are diagnosed with cancer, drink it 3 times a day, preferably 4-5 months.

The following ingredients will do good for one serving:

  • ½ bunch parsley
  • 5 carrots
  • ½ orange
  • 1 lemon


Juice the ingredients together. Remember, this amount is enough for one serving, and you need to make yourself three doses a day.

Always have your juice freshly prepared.
