Chia Water With Lemon To Eliminate The Accumulated Fat & Cleanse The Body In Just Three Days. In Order To Have Better Results Prepare It This Way!

We will tell you all the needed ingredients, if you desire to lose some extra weight.

It’s quite normal to wonder how is it possible to lose weight by consuming a mixture that only contains chia water and lemon. But it is okay because in this article we will show you how, and we will tell you all the needed ingredients, if you desire to lose some extra weight.

When you put chia seeds in water they create a gelatinous ingredient, that causes an effect that is quite satiety when you consume it, and you might know the healthy ingredients contained in the chia seeds, like fibers, proteins and calcium which are nourishing our body and are perfect while we are on a diet. On the other hand we have the lemon that contains huge amounts of vitamin C, which makes it able to cleanse our organism from waste and toxins.

The Drink That Promotes Weight Loss

You should take this drink in the morning, as soon as you get out of bed, which means that the drink will start to act at the beginning of your day, that way you will be on a daily routine and the natural remedy will take effect without losing any time.


  • 300 ml of filtered water
  • A tablespoon of chia seeds
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice (from 1 lemon)
  • Honey


Fill a larger cup with 100 ml of water, then add the chia seeds inside. Leave the seeds inside for an hour, and once they have created a gelatinous consistency you may add the rest of the water and the lemon juice as well. Then you should beat the mixture for a couple of seconds, then you may add the honey inside, this will sweeten the taste of the mixture, and you need to take the mixture on an empty stomach, do not forget that!

Since this drink is able to eliminate constipation, it means that it can work as a diuretic, also the ingredients that are contained in the mixture are able to fight against the aging process and it signs, and prevent from free radical damage as well.
