Cinnamon And Lemon: A Sensational Remedy To Discover

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Due to change of seasons, people try to boost the work of their immune system and fight disease by consuming complex vitamins. Well, for that purpose we have the perfect remedy for you. It is completely natural, made of two simple ingredients: cinnamon and lemon!

Cinnamon and lemon combination will become your favorite nutrient-dense remedy that will help you fight off various health problems, without causing side effects.

So, keep reading and find out more what this sensational remedy can treat!

Reduce joint pain with cinnamon and lemon
Drinking lemon juice with cinnamon is very beneficial for people suffering from joint pain. This powerful combination can reduce swelling and inflammation. Lemons are abundant in vitamin C, a nutrient essential for our body to produce collagen – the protein important for healthy joints and bones.

Moreover, lemons are high in antioxidants, which can reduce joint inflammation. We should also mention that this powerful combination has diuretic properties. Both ingredients are anti-inflammatory foods that are commonly used for treating these conditions.

If you suffer from arthritis, don’t hesitate to try this remedy. You will experience significant improvements!

Needed Ingredients:
1 Ceylon cinnamon stick
5 tablespoons of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of raw, organic honey
1 cup of purified water

You should heat the water until it reaches its boiling point. Then, add the cinnamon and honey. Let the ingredients infuse for 15 minutes, then allow it to rest for 10 minutes. Strain and serve. Then, add the lemon juice. You should drink it every morning, before your breakfast.

Lose weight with cinnamon and lemon
It is known that using the right foods can speed up the metabolism. Well, this combination of lemon and cinnamon is definitely one of the most effective ones. Cinnamon controls insulin and glucose levels in the body. Instead of storing them, our body uses them to create energy. The regular use of this remedy will eliminate the stubborn fat, particularly in the abdominal area.

Needed Ingredients:
1 Ceylon cinnamon stick
5 tablespoons of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of raw, organic honey
1 cup of purified water

You should heat the water until it reaches its boiling point. Add the cinnamon and honey. Let the ingredients infuse for 10 minutes, then allow it to rest for 10 minutes. Strain and serve. Then, add the lemon juice. You should take this remedy 20 minutes after your main meal of the day. In this way, you will stimulate your metabolism and improve your digestion.

Obtain a healthy, clean and acne free face
Both cinnamon and lemon juice, contain strong antibacterial compounds. These two ingredients can reduce the stubborn acne blemishes and prevent infections caused by blackheads.

Needed Ingredients:
1 teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
Small container
1 cotton disc

Mix all the ingredients and use this facial treatment before going to sleep. First, wash your face thoroughly, and apply the remedy to the affected parts. Let it act for 5 minutes then rinse with warm water. Repeat this procedure every time you notice a blemish. Also, it reduces facial skin spots related to acne.

Fight off colds and the flu
This cinnamon and lemon based remedy will reduce the symptoms of the cold and flu, and will accelerate the healing process.

Due to the potent antibacterial properties of cinnamon and lemon’s rich content of vitamin C, these two ingredients can significantly strengthen your immune system. Moreover, they will prevent fever episodes and eliminate the excess build up of mucus.

Needed Ingredients:
1 Ceylon cinnamon stick
1 cup of orange juice
5 tablespoons of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of raw, organic honey

Squeeze the orange juice and heat it up for 5 minutes along with the honey and cinnamon stick. Then, eliminate the cinnamon stick and add the lemon juice. You should take this remedy in the morning during breakfast!