Coconut oil and Baking soda For a Complete Face Cleaning Like You Never Had Before

This recipe is very simple, and we hope it will provide the effects you desired for, share it with your friends and family, enjoy!

Many women across the globe are obsesses with Face Cleaning and Skincare. The first thing we notice and see at a person is the face, and taking care of it is very important and it says a lot about a person’s personality.

Not giving the attention that it requires, our face can become very sensitive to a lot of factors, like sun exposure, climate change or a dirty environment, these factors can have a great influence in that case.

Not taking care of our facial skin, and not feeding it with the nutrients and properties that it requires, it can cause wrinkles or even signs of premature aging.

Which is one of the main reasons why women use thousands of day and night cremes, or go on many different treatments, just to achieve the care that it requires.

But very few of them really know what the various commercial products contain, they are not aware that 90% of the products are full of chemicals and they need to be avoided.

The right solution is to go on a fully natural treatment, that will be capable to revitalize your facial skin in a short period of time, and also nourish the skin and provide amazing natural benefits. Also the side effects of the chemicals that can occur, to be avoided.

In this article we will help you elaborate the mixture for facial skin care, it is totally natural and it is made of products that you already might have at home.

Quickly revitalize your face and nourish it, with just 2 natural products. Look young and beautiful again.

The recipe we are about to give you, is actually a cleansing mask, it contains 2 simple natural products: coconut oil and sodium bicarbonate.

The cleansing mask is easy to prepare, it provides amazing effects and it doesn’t contain any dangerous chemicals like the other products. It can be used for all types of skin, including smooth skin too. Feel free to use it, and don’t fear of side effects, there aren’t any.

This cleansing mask can treat, acne, dirt, scars, fat, wrinkles, redness and dead skin.

The bicarbonate is inside due to the ability to restore the needed level of pH, in other words, to speed up the healing, and the coconut oil is in there due to its healing properties and because it can moisturize the skin.

These two mixed up together, make a perfect combo for facial skin care. And for the record, adding extra virgin oil can provide even more positive effects. To know how to apply it you need to know your skin type.

If you have sensitive skin, you want to apply a ratio of coconut oil and bicarbonate to 2:1, and if you want to get a deep exfoliating treatment, just use the 1:1 ratio.

The preparation method requires you to mix the 2 ingredients well, and if you cannot mix them or it is hard, just add a little bit of hot water. The mixture is used as a mask, gently rub the areas you want with it, let it stay for a couple of minutes on your face and then wash it with lukewarm water.

This recipe is very simple, and we hope it will provide the effects you desired for, share it with your friends and family, enjoy!
