Combat Cholesterol With This Delicious Fruit Juices

What should you do?

Juice of cabbage and garlic to combat cholesterol

Both cabbage and garlic are known for their multiple health benefits and their ability to cleanse our body. This powerful juice will help eliminate excess fat and cholesterol that can affect our health.


-½ medium cabbage.
-2 cloves of garlic
-½ cup of water (120 ml).

What should you do?

Crush the garlic well and then place it in the blender together with the cabbage, previously washed and chopped, and ½ cup of water to facilitate the liquefied. Beat all the ingredients and consume a cup of this juice daily until you lower your cholesterol. It should not be extended for a long time, since the cabbage could weaken the thyroid gland.

Strawberry and citrus juice to combat cholesterol

This delicious juice, in addition to its exquisite taste and to combat the levels of bad cholesterol, also has properties that strengthen our immune system and can even help us lose weight.


-1 cup of strawberries (100 g).
-2 oranges
-1 kiwi

What should you do?

Extract the juice from the oranges, wash and peel the kiwi and prepare the strawberries. Afterwards, introduce all the ingredients in the blender and beat for a couple of minutes. Take daily, without strain, for 2 weeks.

Carrot, parsley and spinach juice

Green juices are the most recommended to be healthy in every way and avoid cholesterol problems. This powerful juice will help you eliminate cholesterol and fats to improve your lifestyle and you win the battle to this problem.


-4 pieces of carrots.
-3 branches of parsley.
-2 spinach leaves

What should you do?

Enter all the ingredients in a juice extractor and take the mixture every day on an empty stomach and after each meal for 15 days in a row.
